会飞的汽车问世 只需3分钟变身飞机

2019-04-21 21:57




智能座舱是由不同的座舱电子组合成完整的体系。智能驾驶舱主要分为 5 大部分:车载信息娱乐系统、流媒体中央后视镜、抬头显示系统 HUD、全液晶仪表、车联网模块。智能驾驶舱是通过多屏融合实现人机交互,是以液晶仪表、HUD、中控屏及中控车载信息终端、后座 HMI 娱乐屏、车内外后视镜等为载体,实现语音控制、手势操作等更智能化的交互方式。在未来,有可能将人工智能、AR、ADAS、VR 等技术融入其中。

智能驾驶舱产业链分为硬件和软件两部分:硬件包括了传统中控和仪表盘,以及新纳入的抬头显示器 HUD、后座显示屏等 HMI 多屏,软件则由于加入了手势语言在内的交互技术,因此包含底层嵌入式操作系统、软件服务、ADAS 系统等应用。


驾驶舱升级路径可类比智能手机。汽车驾驶舱传统包括车载信息娱乐系统(含中控显示屏)和交互仪表盘两大件,根据伟世通公司统计 2018 年市场规模分别为 196 亿美元、80 亿美元。相比 ADAS,驾驶舱电子产品形态更加丰富,全球竞争格局较为分散,海外厂商有领先优势。近几年来驾驶舱内部呈现大屏化、智能化、自然交互等特点,未来“一芯多屏”的趋势明显,在底层芯片、新型显示、麦克阵列等方面可复用智能终端的成熟技术。近几年国内厂商通过并购获得驾驶舱成熟技术和客户,另外在上游的零组件具有一定竞争力。


English version

On April 21st, a flying aeromobil flying car was exhibited at the Shanghai Auto Expo. The car was manufactured by the Czechoslovak company. The car mode has a top speed of 160 kilometers per hour and a maximum speed of 360 kilometers per hour.
The flying car came out in just three minutes and turned into a plane. The car called Skywalker is attracting attention not because its acceleration performance is comparable to that of a sports car, but because it is a perfect one. Flying car! It can be transformed into a plane by car in three minutes. After the deformation, the flying car can fly at an altitude of about 3,000 meters.
1. Smart cockpit: an interactive way for the future
Speaking of smart cars, smart driving, car communication, MDC, operating systems, etc. are all areas of concern. However, from the perspective of investment, domestic manufacturers on the industrial chain may have greater opportunities due to the weak coupling between the smart cockpit and the driving.
The smart cockpit is composed of different cockpit electronics combined into a complete system. The intelligent cockpit is divided into five major parts: in-vehicle infotainment system, streaming media rearview mirror, head-up display system HUD, full LCD instrument, and car networking module. The intelligent cockpit realizes human-computer interaction through multi-screen fusion. It is based on LCD instrument, HUD, central control panel and central control vehicle information terminal, rear seat HMI entertainment screen, interior and exterior rearview mirror, etc., to realize voice control and gesture. More intelligent interactions such as operations. In the future, it is possible to incorporate artificial intelligence, AR, ADAS, VR and other technologies into it.
The intelligent cockpit industry chain is divided into hardware and software: the hardware includes traditional central control and instrument panel, as well as the newly incorporated HMI multi-screen such as head-up display HUD and rear-seat display. The software is added to the gesture language. Interactive technology, so it includes applications such as the underlying embedded operating system, software services, and ADAS systems.
Human-car interaction: interaction from speech (mict array) to visual (HUD)
The cockpit upgrade path can be compared to a smartphone. The cockpit tradition of the car includes two items of in-vehicle infotainment system (including central control display) and interactive instrument panel. According to Visteon's statistics, the market size in 2018 is US$19.6 billion and US$8 billion, respectively. Compared with ADAS, the cockpit electronic products are more abundant, the global competition is more dispersed, and overseas manufacturers have a leading edge. In recent years, the interior of the cockpit has been characterized by large screen, intelligent, natural interaction, etc. In the future, the trend of “one core and multiple screens” is obvious, and mature technologies of intelligent terminals can be reused in the aspects of the underlying chips, new displays, and microphone arrays. In recent years, domestic manufacturers have acquired cockpit mature technology and customers through mergers and acquisitions, and the upstream components have certain competitiveness.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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