
2019-04-24 23:01





 English version

Flying cars may be more efficient than road cars, which seems a bit crazy, especially when traditional aircraft are known for fuel consumption. A small four-seat car is not a Boeing 737, and its fuel consumption will be much lower.

There are many ways to get a car to fly, but most of them are too cumbersome to take off quickly. This study is probably the most promising option based on the physical characteristics of a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. These energy-saving innovations make cruising easy, but they don't help much for take-off, hovering or landing, and these things are still inherently inefficient.

Therefore, although VTOL aircraft can still be used for short trips and pizzas in cities, they cannot solve the energy crisis. Finally, the weather is very important. A 35 mph downwind will reduce power consumption and emissions by 15%, while a 35 mph upwind will increase by 25%. Before encountering a suitable landing site, you must carry additional heavy-duty batteries to avoid potential disasters with battery exhaustion, which can offset emissions savings.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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