
2019-05-11 23:22



English version

The birth of any new thing will take some time to grow and improve. We believe that the above problems can be solved very well. Just like the rise of e-commerce in the past few years, people are worried about price, true and false, transportation, After-sales problems, now these problems are no longer problems, people have also broken the habit of going to the store to shop, online shopping has become a normal life.
The same is true for flying cars. Perhaps the current technical level and external conditions can not support its large-scale popularization and flight, but the flying car is undoubtedly a major revolution of the car, an irreversible flood. Lei Jun once said: standing on the wind, the pig will fly! I believe that in the near future, in the sci-fi movie, the car will take off and land outside the window, and the scene of the shuttle between the buildings will really appear in our lives! Are you ready for the money?


ここ数年の電子商取引の台頭と同様に、人々は価格、真偽、交通手段について心配しています。 売り上げ後の問題、今これらの問題はもはや問題ではありません、人々はまた買物をするために店に行く習慣を壊しました、オンラインショッピングは普通の生活になりました。
おそらく現在の技術レベルや外的条件ではその大規模な普及と飛行をサポートすることはできませんが、飛行車は間違いなく不可逆的な洪水である車の大きな革命です。 レイジュンはかつて言った:風に立って、豚が飛ぶ! 近い将来、SF映画では車が離陸して窓の外に着地し、建物間のシャトルのシーンが私たちの生活に実際に現れると信じています! あなたはお金の準備ができていますか?

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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