
2019-05-16 15:15

这次的五座飞机采用了全新尺寸、全新动力设计,同时也是原型飞机。它由36个全电动喷气发动机提供动力,可以实现垂直起降,同时可以实现非常高效的水平和巡航飞行。在一次电话会议中,Lilium联合创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Wiegand描述了测试飞行,这是一个有点落后于计划的测试飞行,这是实现城市空中交通的一个重要步骤。
据记载,最新的Lilium Jet于2019年5月4日首次在当地时间08:03在德国慕尼黑播出。原型飞机从地面远程控制完成了起降飞行试飞,CEO Wiegand表示现在将进行更严格的飞行试验活动。根据商用飞机安全标准对飞机进行测试,下一个重要的里程碑将是实现飞机从垂直起飞移动到水平飞行的过渡飞行。
目前该公司有几个主要投资商:其中一个是腾讯,小马哥真的是慧眼啊;还有国际私人银行和资产管理集团LGT、由Skype联合创始人Niklas Zennstrm创立的Atomico、由Twitter的Ev Williams共同创立的早期风险投资基金Obvious Ventures,果然不是大佬级别的公司和财团,都不会投资这种前沿科技和应用。


English version

Are you still worried about the queue of drip taxis, are you still worried about traffic jams, then you need an air taxi, or take off and land vertically. Recently, Lilium has developed an "air taxi" service based on demand. The company has launched a related five-seat prototype aircraft and announced that the aircraft's test flight was completed earlier this month.
The air taxi that took off and landed vertically was born.
Lilium's headquarters is located in Munich, Germany (the city where Bayern Munich is home). The company's VTOL all-electronic vertical take-off and landing equipment has successfully completed the flight test operation. Two years ago, it also released test flight videos of two versions of related aircraft. But for the first time, the five-seat version of the aircraft test flight.
36 all-electric jet engines
This five-seater aircraft has a new size, a new power design, and is also a prototype aircraft. Powered by 36 all-electric jet engines, it can achieve vertical takeoff and landing while achieving very efficient levels and cruising flights. In a conference call, Lilium co-founder and CEO Daniel Wiegand described the test flight, a test flight that was a bit behind schedule, an important step in achieving urban air traffic.
Aircraft performance is very suitable for commuting
Lilium claims that its jets can perform longer than most of their competitors, with a top speed of 300 km/h and a range of up to 300 km, thanks in part to the aircraft's fixed wing design. The aircraft relies on the lift generated by the fixed wing to keep flying in the air, meaning that it only needs less than 10% of its maximum 2000 horsepower during cruise flight, which is 200 horsepower.
According to Lilium, the aircraft's energy usage is within the same distance, the same as electric vehicles. That is to say, using this aircraft to commute not only consumes the same energy, but also saves a lot of time and makes commuting more efficient.
The shape of the plane is also very beautiful.
According to records, the latest Lilium Jet was first broadcast on May 4, 2019 at 08:03 local time in Munich, Germany. The prototype aircraft completed the takeoff and landing flight test from the ground remote control, and CEO Wiegand said that more stringent flight test activities will be carried out now. The next major milestone in testing aircraft based on commercial aircraft safety standards will be the transition from vertical takeoff to horizontal flight.
Wiegand also said that it is hoped that by 2025, aircraft can be fully operational in cities around the world. The trial service will begin in advance at several locations that have yet to be revealed.
At present, the company has several major investors: one of them is Tencent, and Xiaoma Ge is really eye-catching; there is also the international private banking and asset management group LGT, Atomico founded by Skype co-founder Niklas Zennstrm, and Ev by Twitter. Obvious Ventures, an early venture capital fund co-founded by Williams, is not a big-scale company or consortium, nor will it invest in such cutting-edge technology and applications.
If you really realize the air taxi, it should be said that it is an air taxi, then I will delete the drop APP. Because the aircraft is the ultimate solution to the efficiency and congestion of commuting, especially the aircraft that does not take up space in vertical takeoff and landing.


この5人乗り航空機は新しいサイズ、新しい動力設計を持ち、またプロトタイプ航空機です。 36の全電気式ジェットエンジンを搭載し、非常に効率的なレベルと巡航飛行を達成しながら、垂直離着陸を達成することができます。カンファレンスコールで、Liliumの共同創設者兼CEOのDaniel Wiegandは、テスト飛行というスケジュールより少し遅れた飛行を説明しました。これは、都市の航空交通を達成するための重要なステップです。
Liliumは、航空機の固定翼設計のおかげで、そのジェット機は、最高速度300 km / h、最大300 kmの速度で、ほとんどの競合他社よりも長く走ることができると主張している。航空機は空中を飛行し続けるために固定翼によって発生する揚力に頼っています。つまり、クルーズ飛行中の最大2000馬力、つまり200馬力の10%未満しか必要としません。
記録によると、最新のLilium Jetは2019年5月4日、ドイツのミュンヘンの現地時間08:03に最初に放送されました。プロトタイプ航空機は地上リモコンからの離着陸飛行試験を完了し、最高経営責任者(CEO)のWiegandはより厳格な飛行試験活動が今実施されるであろうと述べた。民間航空機の安全基準に基づいて航空機をテストする際の次の主要なマイルストーンは、垂直離陸から水平飛行への移行です。
そのうちの一つはTencentで、Xiaoma Geは本当に人目を引くもので、Skypeの共同創設者Niklas Zennstrmが創設した国際的なプライベートバンキングおよびアセットマネジメントグループLGT、Atomico、そしてTwitterのEvもあります。 Williamsが共同設立した初期のベンチャーキャピタルファンドであるObvious Venturesは、大規模な企業やコンソーシアムではなく、そのような最先端のテクノロジやアプリケーションにも投資しません。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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