
2019-05-18 22:40



English version

Since its birth in Germany in 1886, the car has completely changed the way people live, and has gradually become the most frequently used means of transportation. However, urban traffic problems such as traffic congestion and environmental pollution have followed.
As a result, people are turning their attention to the low-altitude resources of the city - "flying cars" came into being
Recently, Singapore’s Xinxiang Aerospace Co., Ltd. announced that the “flying car” developed by the company has completed indoor testing and will be put into operation in the United States in the second half of next year. By then, people will be able to become a reality when they go to school by "flying car" and go to work.
In recent years, with the increasing traffic congestion problems in major cities around the world, "flight cars", which can use both ground and low-altitude resources, have received much attention. The industry believes that "flight cars" will effectively break through the existing traffic dilemma. Automobile and aerospace manufacturers in the United States, France, Germany and other countries have taken the lead in the development and production of "flying cars" with different shapes and styles, and made their debut at the Geneva International Motor Show in Switzerland in 2018.
At present, there is no world-wide title and industry technology research and development standard for "flying cars". The R&D and production of various countries are at the stage of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and showing their powers. The United States, the European Union, Japan and Singapore have increased investment in research funding and talents. Relevant products have been put into trial and practical application, and the "point-to-point, door-to-door" passage has been initially realized. As technology and products continue to evolve, humans are expected to usher in the era of "flight cars."
After a hundred years of exploration
"Flying cars", also known as "air cars", "car aircraft", etc., as the name implies, refer to new cars that can fly in low altitude. It has the amphibious function of car ground driving and aircraft air flight, and it is a fusion of modern automobile production technology and aircraft manufacturing high-tech.
The “flight car” has gone through a long process from conception, design, research and development, production, test success to initial application. In 1917, the American aviation pioneer and famous aircraft designer Glenn Curtis first showed the original prototype of the new type of "flight car" - a three-wheeled "flying car", although realized Some short-range flying jumps, but did not fly into the sky.
In the 1940s, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company of the United States, put forward the scientific prediction that "the flying car will appear sooner or later" in view of the rapid progress and development of automobile and aviation technology. After the 1950s, research activities in modern "flying cars" began in the fields of international automobiles.
In the mid-1980s, the development of "flying cars" was successful in the United States. An American named Moore Taylor has successfully integrated Hyundai and aviation technology to produce a "flying car" that can run both on the ground and in the air, and is approved by the relevant government. certificate. However, Taylor's first "flying car" is equipped with a flat fixed wing that is 5 to 6 times wider than the body. When driving or taking off and landing on the road, it will affect the normal traffic order and eventually will not be put into practical use.
a real leap
Until March 2009, the world’s first “flying car” – “Leap” was successfully tested in the United States for the first time. It can be transformed into a plane from a two-seat road car in 15 seconds, and equipped with high-end technology such as global satellite positioning system, electronic computer control system and satellite control technology; due to ease of use and maintenance, The driver does not need to master the difficult driving skills like an airplane pilot; and the tank can fly about 800 kilometers at a time, and the flight speed is about 185 kilometers per hour.
In July 2010, the "flying car" manufactured by Trafgia Company of the United States was allowed to be put into commercial production by the US aviation authorities. A few days ago, the company’s manager, Carl Dieterick, said, “They have received dozens of new orders for ‘flying’, and each car is priced at $200,000.” In the long run, this “flying car”, which can save a lot of time, is likely to defeat ordinary cars with constant cost reduction.
In February 2015, the world's first flying folding car came out - the United States Trafgia Company announced a concept called "Terrafugia TF-X". The car uses a plug-in hybrid powertrain with four seats that can be driven like a normal car, as well as vertical take-off and landing, with a range of more than 800 kilometers. But the development of this concept car may last 8 to 12 years.
In April 2017, Slovak startup AeroMobil unveiled its first commercial design of the “Flying Car” and released the first commercial flying car. The company said that the "flight car" is ready to accept the booking and is expected to be delivered in 2020.
In March 2018, the Dutch PAL-V company launched the final production version of the "flying car", and will be launched in 2019, priced at about 600,000 US dollars. The "flying car" is made of carbon fiber, titanium and aluminum and weighs 680 kilograms. It takes 165 meters to take off the runway. When driving on land, the maximum speed can reach 160 km / h; in flight, the maximum speed can reach 180 km / h. Statistics show that the "flying car" has a maximum flying height of about 3,352 meters and a maximum flying distance of about 563 kilometers.
Market space accelerated release
For many car manufacturers, "flight car" is an opportunity not to be missed. Once further breakthroughs are made in law, safety technology, infrastructure, etc., the potential huge market space of “flying cars” will be accelerated and the related industries will develop rapidly.
In recent years, Chinese companies have also begun to pay attention to "flight cars." China Xi'an United Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. has taken the lead in developing China's first "MY-ABC" type flying car. It has a fixed-wing design, the wing can be folded, it can take two people, the engine is powerful, and it can take off and land on the water. It is an amphibious flying car.
In 2017, Trafgia, the largest "flying car" company in the United States, was acquired by Zhejiang Geely. In 2012, Trafgia released the first "flying car" - "flying" iterative version of the model, which can achieve 640 kilometers of air life, and the wing can be folded, can automatically fly. The production version has been upgraded in all aspects of power, acceleration, interior, safety and air support, including hybrid engine (lithium iron phosphate battery), flight acceleration, more comfortable ride experience and greater luggage space. , seat belt / airbag / three rear view camera imaging improvements, and the introduction of flight information systems and parachute systems. The world's first mass-produced "flying car" was opened in October 2018, and the first users were open to the United States.
It is noteworthy that there are still many factors restricting the development of “flying cars”, including: Many countries have no clear legislation on this, and they cannot establish the legality of the “flight car” identity and operation. In related operations and management, many fields, such as road traffic, air transportation, urban management, social governance, personal and property safety, etc., are a systematic project that requires comprehensive and in-depth research and discussion, and can only be promoted step by step. In addition, there is no uniform technical standard for the design of "flying car". The appearance, landing mode, flight altitude, flight load, flight speed, flight distance, and driving qualification requirements are not the same. Moreover, related projects have large investment from research and development to output, long cycle, high cost and high risk. Overall, the "flight car" is still in the initial stage of the test application. In the near-term, it can only provide "point-to-point, door-to-door" special services, which cannot be widely applied.
Although there are still many shortcomings in the "flight car", the existing research results and technology are already quite large. Coupled with the high attention of the developed countries in the economy and technology, and the demand for smart city construction, the "flying car" will generally experience similar to the traditional car. The process of growth - technology from scratch, the consumer market from small to large.
With the continuous improvement of R&D technology and the increasing application safety and convenience, “Flight Car” may become the fifth popular mode of travel and transportation after the traditional cars, trains, air planes and sea ships. Thousands of households. This will not only alleviate and solve urban road traffic congestion problems, but also drive the development of industries such as steel, electronics, industrial design, automation and network technology, as well as applications in rescue, fire protection, geological exploration, tourism, exploration, etc. broad.


その結果、人々は都市の低高度の資源に注意を向けています -  "空飛ぶ車"が生まれました
最近、シンガポールのXinxiang Aerospace Co.、Ltd.は、同社が開発した「フライングカー」が屋内テストを完了し、来年後半に米国で運用されると発表した。それまでに、人々は彼らが「飛ぶ車」で学校に通って仕事に行くとき現実になることができるでしょう。
「フライトカー」は、構想、設計、研究開発、製造、テストの成功から最初の適用までの長いプロセスを経てきました。 1917年、アメリカの航空のパイオニアで有名な航空機デザイナーのグレン・カーティスが最初に新しいタイプの「フライトカー」のオリジナルのプロトタイプを見せました - 実現されたけれども三輪の「フライングカー」いくつかの短距離飛行は飛ぶが、空に飛ばなかった。
1940年代に、米国のフォードモーターカンパニーの創設者であるヘンリーフォードは、自動車と航空技術の急速な進歩と発展の観点から、「飛ぶ車は遅かれ早かれ現れる」という科学的予測を提唱した。 1950年代以降、現代の「フライングカー」の研究は国際自動車の分野で始まりました。
2009年3月まで、世界初の「フライングカー」 - 「Leap」が初めて米国でテストに成功しました。それは15秒で2人乗りのロードカーから飛行機に変換することができ、グローバル衛星測位システム、電子計算機制御システム、衛星制御技術などのハイエンド技術を装備しています;使いやすさとメンテナンスのために、運転手は飛行機の操縦士のような難しい運転技術を習得する必要はなく、タンクは一度に約800キロメートル飛ぶことができ、飛行速度は毎時約185キロメートルです。
2010年7月に、米国のTrafgia社によって製造された「フライングカー」は、米国の航空当局によって商業生産に供されることが許可された。数日前、同社のマネージャー、Carl Dieterick氏は、「彼らは、「飛ぶ」という注文を何十件も受け取っており、各車の価格は20万ドルだ」と述べた。長い目で見れば、多くの時間を節約することができるこの「飛ぶ車」は、一定のコスト削減で普通の車を打ち負かす可能性があります。
2015年2月、世界初のフライング折りたたみ車が発売されました - 米国のTrafgia Companyは「Terrafugia TF-X」と呼ばれるコンセプトを発表しました。自動車は普通の自動車のように運転することができる4つの座席を持つプラグインハイブリッドパワートレイン、ならびに800キロメートル以上の範囲で垂直離着陸を使う。しかし、このコンセプトカーの開発は8年から12年続くかもしれません。
2017年4月、スロバキアのスタートアップ、AeroMobilは、最初の商用デザインの「Flying Car」を発表し、最初の商用フライングカーを発売しました。同社は、「フライトカー」は予約を受け入れる準備ができており、2020年に配達される予定であると語った。
2018年3月、オランダのPAL-V会社は「フライングカー」の最終製品版を発売し、2019年に発売され、価格は約60万米ドルです。 「フライングカー」はカーボンファイバー、チタン、そしてアルミニウムでできており、680キログラムの重さがあり、滑走路を離陸するのに165メートルかかります。陸上で運転する場合、最高速度は160 km / hに達し、飛行中は最高速度は180 km / hに達することがあります。統計によると、「飛行中の車」の最大飛行高度は約3,352メートル、最大飛行距離は約563キロメートルです。
2017年には、米国で最大の "フライングカー"会社であるTrafgiaがZhejiang Geelyに買収されました。 2012年に、Trafgiaは最初の「フライングカー」をリリースしました - モデルの「フライング」反復バージョン、それは640キロメートルの空気寿命を達成することができて、そして翼は自動的に飛ぶことができます。量産バージョンは、ハイブリッドエンジン(リン酸鉄リチウム電池)、飛行加速、より快適な乗り心地、そしてより大きな荷物スペースを含む、パワー、加速、インテリア、安全性、そして航空支援のあらゆる面でアップグレードされています。 、シートベルト/エアバッグ/ 3リアビューカメライメージングの改善、およびフライト情報システムとパラシュートシステムの導入。世界初の量産「フライングカー」は2018年10月にオープンし、最初のユーザーはアメリカにオープンでした。
「フライトカー」にはまだ多くの欠点がありますが、既存の研究結果と技術はすでにかなり大きく、経済と技術における先進国の高い注目とスマートシティ構築の需要と相まって、「フライングカー」は一般的に伝統的な車と同じようになります。成長のプロセス - ゼロからの技術、小規模から大規模までの消費者市場。
研究開発技術の継続的な改善とアプリケーションの安全性と利便性の向上により、「Flight Car」は、伝統的な自動車、電車、飛行機、および海上船舶に次いで5番目に人気のある旅行および輸送モードになるかもしれません。数千世帯。これは都市の道路交通渋滞問題を軽減し解決するだけでなく、鉄鋼、エレクトロニクス、工業デザイン、自動化およびネットワーク技術などの産業の発展、ならびに救助、防火、地質探査、観光、探査などへの応用も推進します。広い。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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