
2019-05-24 23:30

而在美国,以波音公司为代表企业也在积极推进飞行汽车的开发。2017年,波音收购了开发无人飞机的初创企业极光飞行科学公司;同时,公司还在内部成立了一个新部门“Boeing NeXt”,专门负责飞行汽车的研发工作;此外,波音还收购了收购航空技术公司Aurora Flight Sciences,计划于2020年在迪拜和达拉斯测试飞行汽车。
此外还有一批诸如Volocopter、Lilium Aviation等初创企业也纷纷入局,目前旗下的飞行汽车已经进入测试阶段。


对飞行汽车有一定了解的人都知道,VTOL 和 eVTOL是飞行汽车技术里至关重要的部分。VTOL 代表飞机能实现「垂直起降」,这样飞行汽车就能便捷地升空和落地,不需要像传统客机那样经过长长的跑道才能起飞。
而 VTOL 前面加个「e」,就表示飞机能用电池供电, 而不是以往的碳氢燃料。
在这座 60 层高、被玻璃包裹着的公寓里,将有 500 多个高端住宅,超过 24 个豪华顶层公寓,而在公寓顶层,将配备一个 5000 平方英尺的垂直起降飞机机场。


English version

After the network car, micro-vehicle, and self-driving car, the next debut may be the flying car.
Flying cars, as the name suggests, are cars that can fly in the sky and run on the ground. At present, many people may think that this is only a futuristic fantasy, but in fact, flying cars have already come to the forefront from the concept stage, and many countries and enterprises are working hard for their practical development.
Among them, Europe and the United States have shown a certain first-mover advantage in this field. In Europe, representatives from the aircraft and automotive sectors have joined forces. European Airbus, German Audi and Italian design companies have jointly promoted a “Pop·Up·Next” flying car program, successfully launching a pure electric vehicle with automatic driving function. The passenger drones were combined, and in November 2018, a quarter-sized prototype was exhibited to the world, and it is expected to become a practical taxi in the next 10 years.
In the United States, companies represented by Boeing are also actively promoting the development of flying vehicles. In 2017, Boeing acquired Aurora Flight Science, a startup that developed the unmanned aircraft. At the same time, the company also set up a new department, Boeing NeXt, which is responsible for the research and development of flying vehicles. In addition, Boeing also acquired the acquisition of aviation. Technology company Aurora Flight Sciences plans to test flying cars in Dubai and Dallas in 2020.
In addition, a number of start-ups such as Volocopter and Lilium Aviation have also entered the market, and their current flying cars have entered the testing stage.
The Flying Motors Division of the China Geely Automobile Group (acquired by the US-based flying car manufacturer Terrafugia) has taken the lead and has begun to sell flying cars. The first batch production will be completed by the end of this year.
Anyone who knows a little about flying cars knows that VTOL and eVTOL are vital parts of flying car technology. VTOL means that the aircraft can achieve "vertical take-off and landing", so that the flying car can be easily lifted off and landed, without the need for a long runway to take off like a traditional airliner.
Adding an "e" to the front of the VTOL means that the aircraft can be powered by batteries instead of the previous hydrocarbon fuel.
However, in order to get the flying car to be put into use as soon as possible, some people have begun to build an airborne vertical takeoff and landing airport.
According to foreign media reports, the flying car startup Volocopter has teamed up with the UK-based real estate company Skyports and the design agency Brandlab to create a prototype landing center for testing its flying cars, which will make Singapore the first entity to build this vertical. The place to drop the airport.
Volocopter is a German company founded in 2012 and has received more than $30 million from Intel and Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler. Intel has said that Volocopter is by far the world's greenest and safest flying car because it uses 18 rotors to provide the driving force.
Last year, it was reported that Singapore will jointly launch a flight vehicle test with Volocopter in 2019, and then there is news that it will conduct preliminary tests on the water while assessing safety risks. The current construction of the air airport may accelerate the pace of Singapore's layout of flying cars.
According to the released video, the vertical takeoff and landing airport is located at the top of a building with two circular aprons at both ends. The flying car can enter the building through the apron or take off from the building and take off vertically.
It is worth noting that this vertical takeoff and landing airport is modular, that is, the building can be demolished or built like a building block, which enables rapid deployment and expansion of the airport.
Similar to Singapore's vertical takeoff and landing airport, Miami also welcomed the first flying car air port.
According to media reports a few days ago, a comprehensive developer in Miami plans to transform the Observatory at the Paramount Miami World Center into a flying car port for future takeoff and landing.
In this 60-story, glass-encased apartment, there will be more than 500 high-end homes, more than 24 luxury penthouses, and a 5,000-square-foot VTOL airport on the top floor of the apartment.
Residents can travel and return home from the top floor in the future by flying cars. There will be a passage to the airport in the apartment, which means that people no longer need to get in from the first floor lobby.
Currently, the building is transforming the top floor of the apartment and will be completed by the end of this year and will open next spring.
According to some analysts, as many as 3,000 air taxis will be put into operation in the next five years, and by 2030, this number may rise to 12,000. From the recent developments in the field, these figures may be conservative.
Although the field of flying cars seems to be booming and vibrant from hardware to infrastructure to market potential, there is still a long way to go before commercialization. Many difficult problems still need to be solved.
The first is the technical issue. Flying cars are not simple drones and car splicing, but the organic integration of autonomous driving technology, navigation technology and information control technology, which requires enterprises to continuously deepen technological breakthroughs in research and development and core components. At the same time, issues such as unmanned materials, energy, and battery life need to be addressed at the technical level.
Followed by the cost issue. If a flying car is commercialized, the cost of additional aviation facilities and electronic navigation equipment will be astronomical. In addition, the price of flying cars is expected to be higher than that of ordinary cars. The difficulty and cost of driving licenses will also be significant. In the end, these costs must be paid by the public, so reducing costs will be a problem that must be solved to promote commercial popularity.
Finally, there is a security issue. There are many safety hazards in flying vehicles, such as how to plan traffic routes, lightning protection in rainy days, noise prevention on high floors, daily privacy leakage prevention, anti-scramble, etc. How to solve these problems will become a large-scale flight vehicle. The key to popularization.


米国ではボーイングを代表とする企業も積極的に飛翔体の開発を推進しています。 2017年には、無人航空機を開発した新興企業であるAurora Flight Scienceを買収すると同時に、飛行中の航空機の研究開発を担当する新しい部門Boeing NeXtを設立し、さらに航空の買収も行いました。テクノロジー会社Aurora Flight Sciencesは、2020年にドバイとダラスで飛行中の車をテストする計画です。
さらに、VolocopterやLilium Aviationなどの多くの新興企業も市場に参入し、それらの現在のフライングカーはテスト段階に入りました。
中国吉利汽車集団のFlying Motors事業部(米国のフライングカーメーカーTerrafugiaが買収)が主導し、フライングカーの販売を開始したが、今年末までに最初のバッチ生産が完了する。
フライングカーについて少し知っている人なら誰でも、VTOLとeVTOLがフライングカーテクノロジーの重要な部分であることを知っています。 VTOLは、航空機が「垂直離着陸」を達成できることを意味しているので、伝統的な旅客機のように長い滑走路を離陸する必要なしに、飛んでいる車を簡単に離着陸させることができます。
Volocopterは、2012年に設立されたドイツの会社で、IntelとMercedes-Benzの親会社であるDaimlerから3000万ドル以上を受け取っています。 Intelは、Volocopterは駆動力を提供するために18個のローターを使用しているため、世界で最も環境に優しく安全な飛行車であると述べています。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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