
2019-05-28 22:37

在 BMW ·  Rebuild 2019 科技商业峰会上,亿航智能联合创始人熊逸放表示,目前的城市交通是 2D 的,全部交通工具都在一个平面上,而唯一能够解决堵塞等人类、城市交通问题的办法,就是通过飞行器把 2D 转换为 3D 交通。
熊逸放称,过去几年内,整个 UAM(城市空中交通)行业发生了巨大的变化,从技术、政策、行业三方面都能看出,行业正在从高度不确定性转变到确定性,甚至可以说是「从无到有」。
而在行业看来,不仅是城市交通,UAM 还可以贡献更多行业应用。医疗急救、海上油井运输、空中游览都可作为潜力巨大的项目,甚至成为之后的城市基础设施,这一切都需要从业者共同推动。
以下是亿航智能联合创始人熊逸放在BMW · Rebuild 2019科技商业峰会上的演讲实录:
大家好,我是亿航智能联合创始人熊逸放。非常高兴来到成都这个地方,今天我要分享的主题是《在三维空间里去重新想象未来的城市交通》。我们在会场展示了亿航最新的一款产品,叫做亿航 216,纯电力驱动,能够坐 2 人的无人驾驶飞行器。这么一款飞行器它其实代表的就是我们今天要强调的城市未来交通。
在今年 4 月初的时候,我们到了奥地利,用这款飞机在欧洲进行了首飞,并且我们在一天之内完成了 17 个不同人次的实际载人飞行,这个数字在世界上应该是独一无二的,也应该是一个壮举。
在这个过程中我们跟德国最大的传媒集团、跟奥地利最大的航空飞机制造商 FACC 共同发布了一个项目叫「城市空中交通」计划(简称 UAM)。UAM 也是我们今天想跟大家分享的重点,未来城市空中到底是什么状况,我首先希望通过一段视频来展示我们的愿景,我们所梦想的未来的城市公共交通。
这是我们在欧洲率先发起的 UAM 计划,UAM 这个词对很多人来说很陌生,大家想到无人机可能是航拍器,或者无人机灯光秀或者编队表演。其实在今天已经在世界上有一个全新兴起的行业,就是 UAM,城市空中交通。目前人类到每个地方去,都知道所有的无论高架桥、地铁、高速路,目前的交通体系依然是在 2D 平面里运行的,唯一能解决我们现在的运送物品、运送人流的效率以及堵塞问题的,只有一点,就是把 2D 转化成 3D 交通。
因此我们 2016 年 1 月份的时候在拉斯维加斯 CES 上发布了全球首款无人飞行汽车叫亿航 184,当时是单座的电力驱动的,应该是我们今天展示这台飞机的鼻祖版本,发布这款产品之后在世界上引起了很大的反响,我们收到了来自全世界各地合作伙伴的订单、询问和合作需求。但同时我们也迎来了很多质疑和问题:这种飞机安不安全,如果掉了怎么办?国家政策法规怎么规定,让不让飞,能不能飞,以及这个行业中未来到底会有多少资本,未来会有多少公司投入这个行业中来,在当时都是很大的未知数。
过去的三四年我们进行了累计数千架次的测试,包括载人测试上百次,很多人问这种飞机跟传统小的四轴多旋翼航拍器有什么区别?是不是就是放大版的产品。今天我想说,经过这几年的发展,我们这个行业已经从过去五年前高度的「不确定」逐渐转向了更多的「确定性」,接下来我从三个不同的纬度来跟大家分享,从政策、技术、行业的维度跟大家分享为什么 UAM 这个行业从过去大家一无所知,到今天可以看到越来越多的产业化的机会在这里面。
第一,它跟传统小型无人机有什么区别?首先做一款载人级别的无人机产品,安全是第一位。因此如果我们拿做消费电子的一个企业的标准来做这款产品的话一定是行不通的,我们目前是按照航空企业的标准来做这个产品。去年亿航获得了 AS9001D 的认证,从研发到生产整个流程都是符合航空产业的标准,我们用航空的思维来做系统的研发和测试。


在研发层面来讲,大家可以看到这里面涉及的问题非常多,包括动力系统、算法、工艺设计、运行人员资质、指挥调度系统,这里面有太多综合技术因素需要考虑,甚至在政策法规上有前所未有的东西需要考虑。技术来讲,它也跟过去的小的这种无人机有巨大的差别,比如大家都熟悉的电调,广泛应用在无人机上,我们把 20 公斤的电调放到飞行器上的时候重量成了最关键的因素,因此我们花了大量的时间把重量减轻 10 倍,并且同时可以达到一样的散热和性能。
比如说自适应算法,过去传统的无人机重量是恒定的,一个航拍器搭载摄像头是恒定的,传统称之为 PID 算法。我们现在通过载人,有时候这个飞机可能是没有任何载人是零负重,有时候是两个人加起来 200 公斤,无人机如何控制自己的动力输出,如何更好保障安全,我们自己研发了一套自适应的无人机飞控算法保障无人机安全。这种情况下,不管是一个乘客、两个乘客还是没有乘客,无人机永远处在最合适的动力输出的位置。另一个例子,比如通过自适应算法,即使当一个电机两个电机失效、烧掉、短路的时候,我们依然能在最短时间保证重新的动力输出,当飞机失去这个姿态的时候乘客还没有感觉到,我们已经通过这套算法重新进行动力输出,保证飞机回到正常的姿态。如果是传统的算法来看,那一旦飞机失去姿态需要花很长的时间调整回来。这是在技术层面我们做的努力。
从测试层面来讲,从 8.5 级的大台风,从空载测试到载人测试,从空中故意停掉一只或者两只桨的情况下的测试,或者到夜间不同天气的测试,我们进行了大量的飞行测试。我们的乘客中有来自于奥地利的交通部部长,欧盟的交通部主席,以及广州副市长,香港财政司司长,很多领导。包括我们自己所有高管,公司所有副总裁以上的高管都每个人很有信心去体验。包括我们的投资人,都是我们的飞行器的真实的体验顾客。
我想说的点是说,这么多测试,这么多乘客,靠的不是匹夫之勇,不是说今天我们更勇敢,我们比别人更敢飞,而是背后这 5 年下来,大量的真实的测试数据的积累给了我们自信。通过数据,通过专业的测试系统进行系统性的测试,通过我们大量的自主研发的产品,从软件到硬件,我们才有信心,来做如此大量的载人测试。我们也深知,我们 100 多个乘客试飞里不允许出现任何一次问题。因此这也未来我们评判 UAM 行业中一个公司是否具备准入资格的门槛,这是其中最主要的评判标准之一。
第二个我想讲的是,政策和法规的确定性。五年前的时候没有任何国家监管部门知道 UAM 怎么管怎么做,今年年初的时候中国民航局的红头文件,向亿航颁发了中国第一个也是迄今唯一一个载人级自动驾驶飞行器适航审定试点,我们不仅仅在产品上创新,我们同时在法规和标准上跟中国民航局一起建立载人无人机的行业标准。并且我们希望在未来有更多的应用,把我们的产品推向全球。
在我们 4 月份的奥地利载人飞行演示中,奥地利交通部长表示奥地利愿意支持亿航,成为欧洲领先者跟我们一起搭建奥地利的空中交通体系,而我们现在正在规划的就是从奥地利的维也纳机场到维也纳市中心这条航线,未来可以解决大家去机场太远、堵车等头痛的问题。同时我们跟卡塔尔、迪拜、荷兰在很多地方进行试飞,跟当地交通部官员和民航局官员深层次沟通,建立法规体系。五年后的今天,我们认为政策法规的确定性也可以逐渐看到。
下一个是行业的确定性。这张照片里的公司都是 UAM 行业的参与者,这里有像波音、空客这样传统的飞机制造商,他们的飞行器已经在试飞,虽然没有载人。谷歌这样的互联网公司也在切入这个行业,我们也可以看到传统的汽车制造商,奥迪以及丰田,都在用自己的努力尝试做一款飞行汽车,以及 500 强大型企业已经开始有大量的团队和资金投入这个行业中,能为这个行业提供他们的软件或者硬件服务。因此我们看到越来越多行业的确定性也在这里。摩根史丹利最新的一份研究报告中指出,到 2040 年整个全球的 UAM 行业规模将达到 1.5 万亿美元。
2040 年之前我们可以做什么事情?我经常跟大家分享一些应用,我们过去四年中探索的应用。第一个是医疗急救,图上的地图是美国马里兰州和华盛顿区域,亿航跟美国一家上市公司在探索用自动驾驶飞行器来运送人造器官的试点。因为飞行员的昂贵,我们通过这样的无人驾驶的飞行器,可以用最快捷、最低成本来完成配送。
最后这个应用场景是日常通勤,大家通过视频也可以看到,在广州天河区市中心进行日常通勤,日常通勤是我们做这件事的最终梦想,我们希望任何人再也不用经历堵车,每个人可以从家到公司,从公司到家,可以去机场不用排队,不用经历那么长时间过去。但是最终的梦想到来之前我们也做了一件很有意思的事情,我们在广州天河区做了一条航线,起点是员工宿舍楼,终点是我们的测试飞场。通过这条航线的建立,我们在广州市区搭建了第一个日常通勤的航线,过去可能需要 7-8 分钟的路程今天通过这架飞机只需要 2 分钟不到就可以完成通勤。虽然今天仅仅是试点,但是我有时候在公司楼下抬头看到飞机从头顶飞过的时候,内心非常激动,我觉得看到了未来,我觉得我们做的事情是非常有意义的。
最后我想说的是,整个 UAM 行业,整个城市空中交通行业过去五年经历了从无到有的过程,从没有人敢飞、大家担心安全,到今天我们已经累计飞行了数百次;从最开始没有国家和政府愿意给我们批文,给我们任何法规的指导意见,到今天我们在全世界范围内,包括跟国际民航组织,跟各国民航局建立了关系,并且拿到了试点和批文;从最开始发布这个产品的时候我们觉得非常孤独,到今天我们看到空客、波音、谷歌这些巨头投入这个行业,我们看到的不是竞争,看到的是共同的成长,是共同的推动。


English version

If one day, there is a more convenient transportation in the city than a car, what would it be like?
In the intelligent planning of Yihang, the future is not only the ground, but the aircraft over the city will become a new trend.
At the BMW Rebuild 2019 Technology Business Summit, Xiong Yifang, co-founder of Yihang Intelligent, said that the current urban traffic is 2D, all vehicles are on a flat surface, and the only way to solve the human and urban traffic problems such as blockages, It is through the aircraft to convert 2D to 3D traffic.
Xiong Yifang said that in the past few years, the entire UAM (urban air traffic) industry has undergone tremendous changes. From the perspectives of technology, policy and industry, the industry is shifting from high uncertainty to certainty, or even arguably "From scratch".
From a technical point of view, unlike our traditionally recognized "UAV", whether it is an unmanned or manned aircraft, it is necessary to adopt aviation-level standards and use aviation thinking for R&D and testing. In terms of algorithms, because the weight of the manned aircraft is not constant, how to better handle the power output problem has become one of the difficulties in the development of Yihang Intelligent.
In the industry's view, not only urban transportation, UAM can also contribute more industry applications. Medical emergency, offshore oil well transportation, and aerial tours can all be potential projects, and even become urban infrastructure afterwards, all of which need to be promoted by practitioners.
The following is a speech by Xiong Yi, the co-founder of Yihang Intelligent Co., Ltd. at the BMW Rebuild 2019 Technology Business Summit:
Hello everyone, I am Xiong Yifang, the co-founder of Yihang Intelligent. I am very happy to come to this place in Chengdu. Today I want to share the theme of "Re-imagining the future urban traffic in three-dimensional space." At the venue, we showed the latest product of Yihang, called Yihang 216, pure electric drive, capable of taking two people's unmanned aerial vehicles. Such an aircraft actually represents the future traffic of the city that we want to emphasize today.
At the beginning of April this year, we arrived in Austria and made the first flight in Europe with this aircraft, and we completed the actual manned flight of 17 different people in one day. This number should be unique in the world. It should also be a feat.
In the process, we jointly released a project called “Urban Air Traffic” (UAM) with Germany's largest media group and FACC, Austria's largest aviation aircraft manufacturer. UAM is also the key point we want to share with you today. What is the future of the city? I want to show our vision and the future of the city's public transportation through a video.
This is the UAM program we pioneered in Europe. The word UAM is very strange to many people. Everyone thinks that the drone may be an aerial camera, or a drone light show or a formation. In fact, today there is an all-emerging industry in the world, namely UAM, urban air traffic. At present, human beings go to every place and know that all the transportation systems, such as viaducts, subways, and highways, are still operating in the 2D plane. The only way to solve our current transportation, transportation efficiency, and congestion problems. The only point is to turn 2D into 3D traffic.
So in January 2016, we released the world's first unmanned flying vehicle called the Esplanade 184 at the CES in Las Vegas. It was a single-seat electric drive. It should be the originator version of the aircraft we show today. After the release of this product, it caused a lot of repercussions in the world. We received orders, inquiries and cooperation needs from partners all over the world. But at the same time, we also ushered in many questions and questions: This aircraft is not safe, what if it is lost? How to stipulate national policies and regulations, let not fly, can fly, and how much capital will there be in the future in this industry. How many companies will invest in this industry in the future, which was a big unknown at the time.
Today I want to use a very real video to share our answers to the above questions over the past three or four years.
In the past three or four years, we have conducted thousands of tests, including manned tests hundreds of times. Many people ask how this aircraft differs from the traditional small four-axis multi-rotor aerials. Is it an enlarged version of the product. Today, I want to say that after years of development, our industry has gradually shifted from the high degree of "uncertainty" in the past five years to more "certainty". Then I will talk to you from three different latitudes. Sharing, from the perspective of policy, technology, and industry, we share with you why UAM has no knowledge of the industry in the past, and today we can see more and more opportunities for industrialization.
First, what is the difference between it and traditional small drones? First of all, to make a manned level of drone products, safety is the first. Therefore, if we do this product as a standard for consumer electronics, it will not work. We are currently doing this product according to the standards of aviation companies. Last year, Yihang was certified by AS9001D. The entire process from R&D to production is in line with the standards of the aviation industry. We use aviation thinking to do system research and development and testing.
At the research and development level, you can see that there are many problems involved, including power system, algorithm, process design, operation personnel qualification, command and dispatch system. There are too many comprehensive technical factors to consider, even in policies and regulations. There are things that have never been seen before. In terms of technology, it is also very different from the small UAVs in the past. For example, the ESCs that everyone is familiar with are widely used in drones. When we put 20 kg of ESC on the aircraft, the weight is It became the most critical factor, so we spent a lot of time reducing the weight by a factor of 10 and achieving the same heat dissipation and performance.
For example, the adaptive algorithm, the traditional UAV weight is constant, an aerial camera equipped with a camera is constant, traditionally known as the PID algorithm. We are now carrying people. Sometimes the aircraft may be without any load. It is zero load. Sometimes two people add up to 200 kilograms. How do drones control their power output? How to better ensure safety? We developed ourselves. An adaptive drone flight control algorithm guarantees drone safety. In this case, whether it is a passenger, two passengers or no passengers, the drone is always in the most suitable power output position. Another example, such as the adaptive algorithm, even when two motors fail, burn out, or short circuit, we can still re-power the power in the shortest time. When the aircraft loses this attitude, the passengers have not felt it. We have already re-powered the output through this algorithm to ensure that the aircraft returns to its normal posture. If it is a traditional algorithm, it takes a long time to adjust back once the aircraft loses its posture. This is our effort at the technical level.
From the test level, from the typhoon 8.5, from the no-load test to the manned test, the test of deliberately stopping one or two oars from the air, or the test of different weather at night, we carried out A lot of flight tests. Among our passengers are the Minister of Transport from Austria, the Chairman of the Transport Department of the European Union, and the Deputy Mayor of Guangzhou, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, and many leaders. Including all of our own executives, executives above all of the company's vice presidents are confident to experience. Including our investors, are the real experience customers of our aircraft.
What I want to say is that with so many tests, so many passengers are not relying on the courage of the husband, not to say that we are more brave today, we are more dare to fly than others, but behind the 5 years, a lot of real test data. Accumulation gives us confidence. Through data, through the professional test system for systematic testing, through our large number of self-developed products, from software to hardware, we have the confidence to do such a large number of manned tests. We also know that we don't allow any problems in our more than 100 passenger flight tests. Therefore, in the future, we will judge whether a company in the UAM industry has the threshold for admission, which is one of the most important criteria.
The second thing I want to talk about is the certainty of policies and regulations. Five years ago, no national regulatory authorities knew how UAM managed to do it. At the beginning of this year, the red head document of the Civil Aviation Administration of China awarded the first and only passenger-class self-driving aircraft in China to Air China for airworthiness certification. In the pilot, we are not only innovating in products, we also establish industry standards for manned drones with the Civil Aviation Administration of China in terms of regulations and standards. And we hope to have more applications in the future and bring our products to the world.
In our Austrian manned flight demonstration in April, the Austrian Minister of Transport stated that Austria is willing to support Esplanade and become the European leader to build the Austrian air traffic system with us, and we are now planning to travel from Vienna Airport in Austria to Vienna. This route in the city center can solve the headaches of people going to the airport too far and traffic jams in the future. At the same time, we conducted test flights with Qatar, Dubai and the Netherlands in many places, and communicated with local traffic officials and civil aviation officials to establish a legal system. Today, five years later, we believe that the certainty of policies and regulations can be gradually seen.
The next one is the certainty of the industry. The companies in this photo are all participants in the UAM industry. There are traditional aircraft manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus. Their aircraft are already flying, although they are not manned. Internet companies like Google are also cutting into the industry. We can also see that traditional car manufacturers, Audi and Toyota are trying to make a flying car with their own efforts, and the top 500 companies have begun to have a large number of teams. And capital invested in this industry, can provide their software or hardware services for this industry. So we see more and more industry certainty here too. According to a recent Morgan Stanley research report, the global UAM industry will reach $1.5 trillion by 2040.
What can we do before 2040? I often share with you some apps that we have explored over the past four years. The first is medical emergency. The map on the map is the Maryland and Washington regions of the United States. Yihang and a US listed company are exploring pilots to use artificially piloted aircraft to transport artificial organs. Because of the expensive pilots, we can use the unmanned aircraft to complete the delivery with the fastest and lowest cost.
The same applies to in Norway. Yihang has cooperated with Norwegian oil companies and has now applied to the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority. There is a big problem with oil wells at sea. Helicopters need to be transported from port to oil well, and different sea areas are transported. The cost of helicopters is also high. This is an ideal scene and is on the high seas.
The third one is the real shot picture we are seeing now. In Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, it is a pilot program for air travel and sightseeing of the Yihang manned self-driving aircraft. It is currently undergoing internal trial operation. In the future, everyone will have the opportunity to experience in Taizhou City. Experience the local seascape and the beautiful scenery of the mountains by staying at the B&B to experience the form of a scenic taxi.
The last application scenario is daily commuting. You can also see through video. Daily commute in downtown Tianhe District of Guangzhou. Daily commuting is our ultimate dream of doing this. We hope that no one will ever experience traffic jams. Everyone From home to the company, from the company to the home, you can go to the airport without queuing, without having to go through so long. But before the final dream came, we also did a very interesting thing. We made a route in Tianhe District, Guangzhou. The starting point was the staff dormitory and the end point was our test flight. Through the establishment of this route, we set up the first daily commuter route in downtown Guangzhou. In the past, it may take 7-8 minutes. Today, it takes only 2 minutes to complete the commute through this aircraft. Although today is just a pilot, I sometimes feel very excited when I look up the plane and fly over the top of the company. I feel that I see the future. I think what we are doing is very meaningful.
Finally, I want to say that the entire UAM industry, the entire city air traffic industry has experienced a process from scratch in the past five years, no one dares to fly, everyone is worried about safety, and today we have accumulated hundreds of flights; At first, no country or government was willing to give us approval and give us any guidance on the regulations. Today we have established relationships with ICAO around the world, including with ICAO, and have obtained pilot and approval documents; When we first released this product, we felt very lonely. Today we see that the giants such as Airbus, Boeing and Google are investing in this industry. What we see is not competition, we see common growth and are a common push.
Innovative entrepreneurship is very difficult, not easy, and even particularly lonely, but through the efforts of the past five years, we have seen so many partners gradually join the industry. I believe that you will see that this future is not so far away. The air traffic in the city is getting closer and closer to us. We hope that through our efforts, we can realize our common dreams together as soon as possible.


BMW Rebuild 2019テクノロジービジネスサミットで、Yihang Intelligentの共同創設者であるXiong Yifangは、現在の都市交通は2Dであり、すべての車両は平らな路面にあり、閉塞などの人と都市の交通問題を解決する唯一の方法はそれは2Dトラフィックを3Dトラフィックに変換するための航空機です。
Xiong Yifang氏によると、ここ数年でUAM(都市航空交通)業界全体が大きな変化を遂げ、テクノロジー、政策、業界の観点から見ると、業界は不確実性の高さから確実性へ、さらには間違いなく「ゼロから」
技術的な観点からは、無人航空機であろうと有人航空機であろうと、私たちの伝統的に認められている「UAV」とは異なり、R&Dやテストには航空レベルの基準を採用し、航空思考を使う必要があります。アルゴリズムの面では、有人航空機の重量は一定ではないため、電力出力の問題をより適切に処理する方法は、Yihang Intelligentの開発における困難の1つになりました。
以下は、BMW Rebuild 2019 Technology Business SummitでのYihang Intelligent Co.、Ltd.の共同設立者であるXiong Yiによるスピーチです。
皆さん、こんにちは。私はYihang Intelligentの共同設立者であるXiong Yifangです。私は成都でこの場所に来ることができてとても嬉しく思います今日は「将来の都市交通を三次元空間で再想像する」というテーマを共有したいと思います。会場では、二人の無人航空機を乗せることができるYihang 216、純粋な電気駆動と呼ばれるYihangの最新製品を展示しました。そのような航空機は実際に私達が今日強調したい都市の将来の交通を表しています。
その過程で、私たちはドイツ最大のメディアグループおよびオーストリア最大の航空航空機製造会社であるFACCと共同で「Urban Air Traffic」(UAM)というプロジェクトを発表しました。 UAMは私たちが今日あなたと共有したい重要なポイントでもあります都市の未来は何ですか?私たちのビジョンと都市の公共交通の未来をビデオで見せたいと思います。
過去3、4年の間に、私たちは何百回もの有人テストを含む何千ものテストを実施してきました。製品の拡大版ですか。今日、私は長年の発展の後、私たちの業界は過去5年間の高度な「不確実性」からより「確実性」へと徐々に移行してきたと述べたいと思います。 UAMが過去に業界の知識を持たない理由を共有し、ポリシー、テクノロジ、および業界の観点から共有します。今日、工業化の機会がますます増えています。
例えば、適応アルゴリズムは、伝統的なUAVの重みは一定であり、カメラを備えた空中カメラは一定であり、伝統的にPIDアルゴリズムとして知られている。私たちは今、人々を運んでいます。時には、航空機は何の負荷もなくてもいいですゼロの負荷でも2人の人々が合計200キログラムまでの重量を積んでいます。適応型無人機飛行制御アルゴリズムは無人機の安全性を保証する。この場合、それが乗客であるか、2人の乗客であるかまたは乗客でないかにかかわらず、無人機は常に最も適切な出力位置にある。 2つのモーターが故障したり、燃え尽きたり、短絡したりしても、適応アルゴリズムなどの別の例では、最短時間で電源を再投入することができます。航空機がその通常の姿勢に戻ることを保証するために、このアルゴリズムを通してすでに出力に動力を与えています。それが伝統的なアルゴリズムであるならば、航空機がその姿勢を失うと調整するのに長い時間がかかります。これが私達の技術レベルでの努力です。
2番目に話したいのは、ポリシーと規制の確実性です。 5年前、国家の規制当局はUAMがそれをどのようにして達成したかを知りませんでした今年の初めに、中国の民間航空管理局の赤いヘッド文書は、耐空性認定のために中国で最初で唯一の乗客クラス自走式航空機を授与しました。パイロットでは、製品を革新するだけでなく、規制と基準の観点から中国民間航空局との間で無人ドローンの業界標準を設定しています。そして私達は将来もっと多くの応用を持ちそして私達の製品を世界にもたらすことを望みます。
4月のオーストリアの有人飛行デモでは、オーストリア運輸大臣は、オーストリアはエスプラネードを支持し、私たちとオーストリアの航空交通システムを構築するヨーロッパのリーダーになることを望んでおり、現在オーストリアのウィーン空港からウィーンへの旅行を計画しています。市内中心部のこのルートは、あまりにも遠く空港に行く人々の頭痛と将来の交通渋滞を解決することができます。同時に、カタール、ドバイ、オランダとの間でいろいろな場所でテスト飛行を行い、現地の交通関係者や民間航空関係者と連絡を取って法制度を確立しました。 5年後の今日、私たちは政策と規制の確実性が徐々に見られると信じています。
次は産業の確実性です。この写真の会社はすべてUAM業界の参加者で、ボーイングやエアバスのような伝統的な航空機メーカーがありますが、彼らの航空機はすでに無人機ですがすでに飛行中です。グーグルのようなインターネット企業も業界を切り開いており、伝統的な自動車メーカー、アウディとトヨタが彼ら自身の努力でフライングカーを製造しようとしていて、上位500社が多数のチームを組んでいることもわかります。そしてこの業界に投資された資本は、この業界に彼らのソフトウェアまたはハードウェアサービスを提供することができます。だから我々はここでもますます業界の確実性を見ている。最近のMorgan Stanleyの調査報告によると、世界のUAM業界は2040年までに1.5兆ドルに達するでしょう。
ノルウェーでも同じことが言えます。 Yihangはノルウェーの石油会社と協力し、現在はノルウェーの民間航空局に申請しています。海上の油井には大きな問題があり、港から油井まで輸送する必要があり、海域ごとに輸送する必要もあり、コストも高く、理想的なシーンであり、公海上にあります。
最後に、UAM業界全体、都市の航空業界全体が過去5年間でゼロからのプロセスを経験し、誰もが飛ぶことを敢えてしないこと、誰もが安全を心配していること、そして今日我々は何百ものフライトを積み上げました。 ICAOとの関係も含め、世界中のICAOとの関係を築き、パイロットおよび承認に関する文書を入手しました。エアバス、ボーイング、グーグルなどの巨人がこの業界に投資していることを今日は見ていますが、競争ではなく、共通の成長を見ています。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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