
2019-06-17 23:54

从100多年前,儒勒·凡尔纳的《从地球到月亮》《海底两万年》《未来快车》等作品中的飞行器和火箭,到20世纪60年代约翰·布拉诺的《站在桑给巴尔》中的电动车;从1930年的《五十年后之世界》(Just Imagine)中飞行器徘徊的未来都市,到1997年,《第五元素》(The Fifth Element)中的空中Taxi;从1902年科幻电影开山之作《月球旅行记》(Le voyage dans la lune)中的炮弹舱,到刚刚上映的《黑衣人:全球追缉》(Men in Black International)中的光速列车,科幻作品从他们诞生开始,就从未停止过想象人类未来出行的方式。


在这部被誉为现代科幻电影的鼻祖《2001太空漫游》中,对于太空漫游的想象是令人叹为观止的,我们可以看到电影中,穿梭于太空站的航天飞机(Pan-Am Space Clipper),而电影拍摄的当时,还并没有这些。
2011年,伦敦希思罗机场采用了这样的客舱,来运送客人往返5号航站楼。这种交通方式叫做个人快速运输系统(英语:Personal Rapid Transit),简称PRT,也称个人捷运。
2014年,创业公司 Arx Pax就已推出了一款飞行滑板Hendo,离地1英寸还能承受一个成人的重量,美国《时代》杂志更是将其评选为2014 年度25大最佳发明之一。
1990年的电影《全面回忆》中,长相诡异的机器人司机Jonny Cab,驾驶着出租车的场景,让人印象深刻,这其实就是一个无(真)人驾驶的原型,那时的人们,可能根深蒂固地觉得出租车需要有个“司机”。
而到了2004年的《我,机器人》中,那辆奥迪概念机(Audi RSQ)让人们意识到,既然一个人体形态的Jonny本就没有存在的必要性,那何必让他占一个车位糟心呢。
2014年,英国设计师Christophi和Lucas Mazarrasa设计的摩天楼超高速垂直轨道枢纽(Hyper-Speed Verti-cal Train Hub),也将电影中的想象,带入了现实。虽然现在还是个创意,可说不准10年后,我们也会对这样的场景见怪不怪了。



English version

More than 100 years ago, Jules Verne's "From Earth to the Moon", "The Undersea 20,000 Years", "Future Express" and other works in the aircraft and rockets, to the 1960s John Burano's "Standing Electric cars in Zanzibar; from the future city of the aircraft in Just Imagine in 1930, to the air in the Fifth Element of 1997, The Fifth Element From the cannonball cabin in the 1902 science fiction movie "Le voyage dans la lune" to the light speed train in the newly released "Men in Black International", Since their birth, science fiction has never stopped thinking about the way humans travel in the future.
Although there are many imaginative imaginations in science fiction movies, such as "Fifty Years Old World" imagined 50 years later, that is, in 1980, humans can already travel through the stars and come into contact with extraterrestrial life. But there are also many unusually accurate predictions in the film, high-speed bullet trucks, jets, and autonomous driving... It can be said that they have inspired the real-life travel technology and opened the way. These concepts and predictions are being or have been gradually achieve.
Realizing forecast
In detail, we will find that science fiction movies are so forward-looking for future travel technology:
Space station and space shuttle
In this 2001 space roam, the originator of modern sci-fi movies, the imagination of space roaming is breathtaking. We can see the Pan-Am Space Clipper in the movie. At the time of the filming, there was no such thing.
The space station became a reality in 1971, the Russian Space Station Salute No. 1, while the space shuttle NASA's OV-101 became a reality in 1976.
Monorail no-drive cabin
In the movie "Escape from the Underground", there is a scene that looks like a high-tech monorail system in which the occupants sit in a small, driverless cabin.
In 2011, London Heathrow Airport used such a cabin to transport guests to and from Terminal 5. This type of transportation is called Personal Rapid Transit (Personal Rapid Transit), also known as PRT, also known as Personal Rapid Transit.
Suspension vehicle
People who must have watched the series of Star Wars movies remember the iconic suspension car, they can hover over any landform.
In 2017, at the future concept car design competition held by Renault, the floating aircraft “Float” using magnetic levitation technology finally won. It is worth mentioning that the author of this design is a Chinese female university student.
Flying car
The police car "spinner" in the movie can take off and land vertically like a helicopter. In the 1997 film "The Fifth Element", there are also flying cars like this.
In recent years, the development of flying vehicles has also been ongoing, such as the foldable wings and rotating paddles designed by Terrafugia Flying Car Company. The prototype is just around the corner.
Floating skateboard
In the "Back to the Future 2", the skateboard suspended on the ground makes the action even more cool, so many young people envy.
In 2014, the startup Arx Pax has launched a flying skateboard, Hendo, which can bear an adult's weight from 1 inch above the ground. American Time magazine named it one of the 25 best inventions of 2014.
In the 1990 film "Comprehensive Memories", the strange robot driver Jonny Cab, driving a taxi scene, is impressive. This is actually a prototype of a (no) human driving. People at that time may be ingrained. I feel that the taxi needs to have a "driver."
In 2004, "I, Robot", the Audi concept machine (Audi RSQ) made people realize that since a human form of Jonny does not have the necessity of existence, why bother to make him occupy a parking space? .
Today, the Audi A8 has a Level-3 level of autopilot, and driverless has almost become a household name. In fact, Google, Uber, Tesla, and even Baidu have already got on the road. Experimented, can the driverless taxi service be far behind?
Remote driving
If you are worried about the safety of driverless driving, or when unmanned driving is difficult to handle, it may seem like a safer way to find an old driver to help you solve it. However, you don't need this old driver to be present, he can do it remotely. In the movie "Black Panther", Princess Vulcan of Vulcana made a remote driver for her brother.
And such long-distance driving is not far from us. NVIDIA has demonstrated a technology that allows drivers to remotely control a car parked outside the NVIDIA lobby while wearing a VR headset, making the scenes in the movie endless.
In "Super Police" (the name is more normal), the police use a biological connection to control the self-driving police car.
Fujitsu also predicted in 2017 that biometrics would be used as a car key and would also be used to create a more personal driving experience. Many companies are also developing biometric feedback technology for unmanned discrimination.
Vertical urban traffic
Is vertical urban traffic in the film Minority Report an eye-opener? Challenge our daily perceptions.
In 2014, the British designer Christophi and Lucas Mazarrasa designed the Hyper-Speed Verti-cal Train Hub, which brought the imagination of the film into reality. Although it is still an idea now, it can be said that after 10 years, we will not be surprised by such a scene.
"Public transportation" replaces the concept of "personal vehicle"
Of course, in addition to these technologies that can already see the prototype, people are constantly exploring more efficient, smoother and more environmentally friendly modes of travel. They may come from continuous improvement and breakthroughs in technology and theory, such as vacuum pipeline transportation and self-driving cars. The design of space elevators, etc., may be an innovative way to solve problems, such as the use of space by stereo express buses, the replacement of energy by Shweeb monorail rickshaws and solar trains, and they may also stem from our breakthrough in thinking habits. For example, the concept of “sharing” rather than “owning” that has emerged in recent years, the transformation of “public” rather than “private”.
In the movie, the way of traveling in the future is not necessarily cool and trendy, but it may return to the truth. For example, in the future society of the movie Her, artificial intelligence has been developed to develop emotions with human beings. But people at that time used more environmentally friendly public transportation like the subway.
The train at that time may not be far from the speed train in "Black Man: Global Chase".
Looking at these movie scenes that are gradually moving towards people's real life, while sighing the amazing predictive power of the people before, they can't help but wonder if these technologies will appear in life without the inspiration of these science fiction or film works. But one thing that is certain is:
Without imagination, humans will be unable to move.
Future fantasy
Of course, there are still many fantasies in the film that have not yet entered the feasibility stage. They may also need breakthroughs in scientific theory, and perhaps still waiting for the right opportunity to combine with reality. The most anticipated ones are probably the following two.
Personal portable flight equipment
The most infinite amount of Iron Man is the armor that Tony has created. Ignoring the main combat function of the armor in the movie, its flight function is a very good idea, let us fly like the sky at any time.
And the most practical of this armor design is that it can be folded up and become the size of a briefcase, which can greatly solve the problem that the traditional car needs to stop and take up too much space. Of course, if the reduction technique in "The Ant Man" is broken, it is a good idea to reduce the car into the pocket.
The ultimate and efficient way to travel should be the “transmission” in Star Trek, which can instantly transfer people or objects from one location to another in the distance, eliminating the time spent on the road.
The current generation of this concept may be just an irresponsible chaos, but it is so attractive. It is said that in 1993, an international research team stated that teleportation is theoretically feasible. In 2017, Chinese scientists used a phenomenon called "quantum entanglement" to achieve the "distance transmission" of photons. Although the transmitter is still an unreachable "myth", it is at least one step away from us.
This is the fascination of science fiction movies. They give imagination to the vitality, plant a seed for the audience of different eras from now to the future, and throw a question: "Is this feasible?"
So after generations, someone will try to answer this question, just like Pygmalion, who has devoted passion and love to carving the statue of the girl, and will endow the statue with life.
Before the World of Fifty Years, we may be a bit embarrassed. This movie has been around for 100 years. We can't travel to aliens. Before the Fifth Element, we may have regrets, 20 years later. We can't fly a flying car over the city, but as long as we still imagine, one day, those dreams will be realized.


100年以上前、ジュール・ヴェルヌの「地球から月へ」、「海中2万年」、「フューチャーエクスプレス」などの航空機やロケットの作品は、1960年代のジョン・ブラーノの「スタンディング」まで。ザンジバルの電気自動車、1930年のJust Imagineの航空機の未来都市から、1997年の5番目の要素、5番目の要素の空中まで1902年のサイエンスフィクション映画「Le voyage dans la lune」の大砲キャビンから、新しくリリースされた「Men in Black International」の光速列車まで、彼らの誕生以来、サイエンスフィクションは未来への人間の旅の仕方について考えるのを決して止めませんでした。
2011年、ロンドンヒースロー空港はターミナル5との間でお客様を輸送するためにそのようなキャビンを使用しました。このタイプの交通機関は、Personal Rapid Transit(Personal Rapid Transit)と呼ばれ、PRTとも呼ばれ、Personal Rapid Transitとも呼ばれます。
映画の中のパトカー「スピナー」は、ヘリコプターのように垂直に離陸することができます。 1997年の映画「The Fifth Element」では、このような空飛ぶ車もあります。
近年では、Terrafugia Flying Car Companyによって設計された折りたたみ式ウィングや回転パドルなど、飛行中の乗り物の開発も進められています。
「Back to the Future 2」では、地面に吊り下げられたスケートボードがさらにクールになり、多くの若い人たちが嫉妬しています。
2014年、スタートアップのArx Paxが、地上1インチから大人の体重を支えることができるフライングスケートボードHendoを発売しました。
1990年の映画「Comprehensive Memories」では、タクシーのシーンを運転する奇妙なロボットドライバー、ジョニー・キャブが印象的で、これは実際には(無)人間の運転のプロトタイプです。タクシーには「運転手」が必要だと思います。
2004年、 "I、Robot"、Audiコンセプトマシン(Audi RSQ)は、人間の形態のJonnyには存在の必要性がないので、なぜ彼に駐車スペースを占有させるのが面倒なのかを認識させました。 。
無人運転の安全性が心配な場合、または無人運転が扱いにくい場合は、それを解決するのに役立つ古い運転手を見つけるためのより安全な方法のように思われるかもしれません。しかし、あなたはこの古いドライバが存在する必要はありません、彼はリモートでそれを行うことができます。映画 "ブラックパンサー"で、ヴルカナのプリンセスバルカンは彼女の兄弟のための遠隔運転手を作った。
そして、そのような長距離運転は私たちからそれほど遠くありません。 NVIDIAは、VRヘッドセットを装着したままNVIDIAロビーの外に駐車している車を運転者が遠隔操作できるようにする技術を実証し、映画の中のシーンを無限にします。
映画 『Minority Report』の垂直的な都市交通は目を見張るものですか?私たちの日々の認識に挑戦してください。
2014年、イギリス人デザイナーのChristophiとLucas Mazarrasaが、Hyper-Speed Vertical Train Hubをデザインしました。これにより、映画の想像力が現実のものとなりました。いまだにアイデアですが、10年経ってもそのような場面に驚かないでしょう。
その時の電車は "Black Man:Global Chase"のスピード電車からそれほど遠くないかもしれません。
最も無限の量のIron Manは、Tonyが作成した防具です。映画の装甲の主な戦闘機能を無視して、その飛行機能は非常に良い考えです、私たちはいつでも空のように飛ぶことができます。
そしてこの装甲設計の最も実用的なのは、それが折り畳まれてブリーフケースのサイズになることができるということです。これは、伝統的な自動車が停止してスペースを取り過ぎる必要があるという問題を大いに解決できます。もちろん、「The Ant Man」の縮小テクニックが壊れている場合は、車をポケットに入れることをお勧めします。
この概念の現在の世代は単なる無責任な混乱かもしれませんが、それはとても魅力的です。 1993年に、国際調査チームはテレポーテーションが理論的に実行可能であると述べたと言われています。 2017年に、中国の科学者たちは光子の「距離伝達」を達成するために「量子もつれ」と呼ばれる現象を使いました。送信機はまだ到達不可能な "神話"ですが、それは私たちから少なくとも一歩先にあります。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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