Uber的飞行汽车 4年后就可以租赁了 打个飞的的钱够买机票去蜀国

2019-07-03 15:04





有吃瓜群众轻声问,这租飞行汽车的价格是怎样呢?诶轻声问就对了,这玩意估计也不是给咱们吃瓜群众服务的。Uber为了试水市场,计划在今年7月9日先推出一项名为Uber Copter的拓展服务,这服务其实就是直升机租赁服务。从美国曼哈顿下城飞到肯尼迪机场,航程大概8分钟。收费嘛,折合人民币大概1400~1600。



English version

The future is the world of new energy vehicles and flying cars. What is the future of the future? Anyway, when the prophet is this cool, the prediction is against someone, and the prediction is wrong...

In the past few years, there have been a lot of news about flying cars, like Geely, which is investing in flying cars. Two years ago, Uber threatened to engage in flying car rental services. At that time, it also discussed the form, operation and infrastructure of the flying car, and related services. I don't want to be late, Uber said that the car rental service will be launched in 4 years.

Unexpectedly, Uber is progressing so fast. In 2023, it is necessary to push the flight car rental service, but even Uber's flying car is not known. The idle egg searched for Uber's flying car, all kinds of, and it is estimated that they have not yet settled.

Although the production of the flying car can be mass-produced within 4 years, there is a problem. The flying thing on this day is different from the ground running, and the safety assessment is more stringent. If the car is broken, it will be broken. It is a big deal to hit a pole and concrete pier. The plane is broken and the things can be big. The small two-person cabin, the consequences of high-altitude stolen goods is not a joke. So the security assessment process is quite lengthy and the tests are quite large.

Some people who eat melons whispered, what is the price of this rental car? It’s right to ask softly, and this thing is not estimated to serve us. In order to test the water market, Uber plans to launch an expansion service called Uber Copter on July 9 this year. This service is actually a helicopter rental service. Fly from the lower Manhattan to the JFK airport, which takes about 8 minutes. Fees are equivalent to RMB 1400~1600.

Wow, go, this price is in the country, enough to buy a ticket to go to Laos! Uber is good for you.




過去数年の間に、Geelyのように飛んでいる車に投資している飛んでいる車についてのニュースがたくさんありました。 2年前、ユーバーはフライングカーのレンタルサービスを行うと脅迫していましたが、その際にはフライングカーの形態、運用、インフラストラクチャ、および関連サービスについても話し合いました。遅刻したくない、とUberはレンタカーサービスは4年以内に開始されると述べた。



メロンを食べる人々の中には、ささやき声をあげた人もいますが、このレンタカーの価格はいくらですか?そっと尋ねるのは権利であり、このことは私たちに役立つとは推定されていません。水市場をテストするために、Uberは今年7月9日にUber Copterと呼ばれる拡張サービスを開始することを計画していますこのサービスは実際にはヘリコプターのレンタルサービスです。マンハッタン南部からJFK空港まで飛行機で約8分。料金は人民元1400〜1600に相当します。


(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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