
2019-07-14 12:17

一家公司正在推出一款名为Skai飞行汽车的新工艺,那就是Alaka'i 科技科技公司。

由一家刚刚建立的科技公司联合一家飞行汽车开发公司,组成了现在的Alaka'i 科技科技公司。










Alaka'i计划为Skai提供四种主要用途。搭乘乘客的Skai Cab版本将被用作飞行出租车,类似于Uber和许多其他汽车公司提出的。

Skai Cargo模型是所谓“足不出户买东西”概念设计出来的交付用飞行货车,人工智能会将包裹快速地送往最终目的地。

Skai Med版本将用于测试使用,而Skai Craft将设计用作个人交通,通过向个人销售或通过共享服务拿到车的所有权。





English version

A company is launching a new technology called Skai Flying Car, which is Alaka'i Technology Technology.

A newly established technology company and a flying car development company formed the current Alaka'i technology technology company.

Like many competitors, Alaka'i plans to use its vehicles as flying taxis or delivery vans. What sets Skai apart is its power source: hydrogen fuel cells.

“This is the cleanest form of energy on the planet,” Dr. Bruce Holmes, a member of the Alaka'i board of directors, told reporters about the choice of hydrogen. Dr. Holmes said that many of the flying cars in the design use traditional energy batteries, but Alaka'i believes it can reduce the environmental impact and obtain better fuel cell performance.

In general, fuel cells have a higher energy density than ordinary batteries, which means that hydrogen fuel cells can store more energy in a fixed battery volume.

This battery allows weight reduction without sacrificing the driving range.

Long-distance driving and fast recharge time are touted as the privilege of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, but it is more difficult to produce and distribute hydrogen. At least at present, it is not easy to produce hydrogen batteries.

Dr. Holmes said that Alaka'i's technology will draw hydrogen from renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydropower. Instead of establishing a permanent gas station network, Alaka'i plans to use refueling trucks to refuel its Skai vehicles, similar to how aircraft refuel at the airport apron.

This eliminates major infrastructure issues currently plaguing ground fuel cell vehicle manufacturers.

Because Alaka'i plans to develop autonomous version after the introduction of the original manual driving model. The Skai can accommodate 4 passengers and a pilot, while Alaka'i's goal is to have a payload capacity of 450KG and a top speed of 190 km/h.

According to Alaka'i, a full box of hydrogen can fly a Skai flying car for 650 kilometers or about 4 hours of flight time.

Alaka'i plans to offer Skai four main uses. The Skai Cab version of the passenger will be used as a flight taxi, similar to what was proposed by Uber and many other car companies.

The Skai Cargo model is a delivery van that is designed with the concept of “Do not leave home to buy things”, and artificial intelligence will quickly send the parcel to its final destination.

The Skai Med version will be used for test use, while Skai Craft will be designed for personal transportation, taking ownership of the car by selling to individuals or through shared services.

After hearing the word "hydrogen powered aircraft", many people may think of "the Hindenburg (a commercial motorboat)." Regardless of the power source, a plane that flies over a densely populated area most of the time requires a secure backup. Holmes said that Skai can continue to fly even if it loses the flight power provided by the power system, and can make an emergency landing when it loses two rotors (it has six rotors).

According to Alaka'i's disclosure, Skai's hydrogen fuel cell system is "triple redundancy (a safety control system)" and the vehicle is equipped with a parachute.

If it can achieve this goal, it will get the market development first, but Alaka'i technology company will still face competition from other technology startups, as well as mature company pressures such as Rolls-Royce and Bell Helicopter, all of which are I hope to seize the flying car market.


ある会社がSkai Flying Carと呼ばれる新しい技術を発売しています。それはAlaka'i Technology Technologyです。









Alaka'iはオリジナルのマニュアル運転モデルの導入後に自律バージョンを開発することを計画しているので。 Skaiは4人の乗客とパイロットを収容できますが、Alaka'iの目標はペイロード容量450KG、最高速度190km / hです。


Alaka'iはSkaiに4つの主な用途を提供する予定です。 Skai Cab版の乗客は、Uberや他の多くの自動車会社によって提案されたのと同様に、フライトタクシーとして使用されます。

Skai Cargoモデルは、「物を買うために家を出てはいけない」というコンセプトで設計された配送バンで、人工知能はすぐに最終目的地に小包を送ります。

Skai Medバージョンはテスト用に使用されますが、Skai Craftは個人輸送用に設計され、個人への販売または共有サービスを通じて車の所有権を取得します。




(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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