
2019-07-24 09:25



English version

I believe that everyone wants to drive a speeding car. This may be the illusion of the previous generation or childhood, but after decades of technological development and progress, many companies are trying to turn this dream into reality. Even Larry Page, the founder of Google, tried to make such a flying car. In the end, the US NFT finally built a flying car in Askar. Will this form a trend in car development? Let's take a look.
First, let's take a look at this Askar. This is a winged car that can be counted as a large off-road vehicle on the road. When it needs to take off, it can spread its wings and fly like a helicopter to the sky. There is a wing folding device at the rear of the car, carrying two wings 12 meters long and 6 meters wide. The car has three riding parts, and even the interior is exactly the same as the car. In terms of power, the car uses traditional fuel and battery motors with a range of up to 560 kilometers.
Secondly, let us know about the development of Aska's flying car. The Asker produced by NFT is an airplane and a car that can take off and land vertically from the ground. It combines many elements of airplanes and cars, and this is also a good yearning for people's technology. The NFT company is preparing to conduct its first test flight in 2019 and take off in 2035.
Finally, Askar has not really succeeded so far. This also shows that people still have great difficulties to overcome on the road of the speeding. Once this type of flying car is popular, it needs corresponding laws to maintain the legal driving of the car, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure safety.
In general, the development of aircraft can be regarded as the trend of future traffic development. After all, it can greatly alleviate traffic jams. However, when so many cars fly into the sky, there are great security risks. In addition, this technology still has many shortcomings. Turning your dreams into reality requires long-term development.



誰もがスピード違反の車を運転したいと思います。これは前世代や子供時代の幻想かもしれませんが、何十年にもわたる技術開発と進歩の後、多くの企業がこの夢を現実のものにしようとしています。 Googleの創設者であるLarry Pageでさえも、そのような空飛ぶ車を作ろうとしました。結局、米国のNFTはやっとAskarで飛行車を製造しました。これは自動車開発のトレンドになるのでしょうか。見てみましょう。
次に、アスカのフライングカーの開発について教えてください。 NFTによって製造されたアスカーは、地上から垂直に離陸することができる飛行機と車です。それは飛行機と車の多くの要素を兼ね備えています、そしてこれはまた人々の技術にとって良い憧れです。 NFT社は2019年に初飛行を行い、2035年に離陸する準備をしています。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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