
2019-07-27 13:06











English version

According to foreign media, as in the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games opening ceremony, "one arrow hits the fire", the 2009 Beijing Olympic Games players vacated the sacred fire, the previous Olympic Games are looking forward to the fire ceremony can give the audience a deep Feeling. The same is true of the Japanese Olympic Games, which will kick off in 2019. The organizer's plan uses a car to fly around the world and is looking forward to showing the brand image of the future summer Olympics filled with modernity.

On July 28th, the summer Olympics will inevitably attract passionate tourists from all over the world, so the traffic problem has always been deeply concerned. Japan’s bullet trains are world-famous, and their new maglev trains will be delivered during the Japanese Olympics, with trains reaching 700 kilometers per hour. In order to deal with the problem of vehicle transportation, Tokyo, Japan has also released the largest electric vehicle that can be used with six people. In addition, autonomous taxis are already in full swing.

The Tokyo Olympic Committee of Japan will invest in the first batch of intelligent robots that can guide the audience and conduct multilingual translation during the Olympic Games. In addition, there are also intelligent robots that can help the inconvenient viewers transport their suitcases or send drinks and ingredients to the stands.

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese government has obtained raw materials such as gold, silver and copper from discarded electronic products to produce Olympic medals. This move best reflects the spirit of environmental protection in this Summer Olympics.

On July 28th, the development plan of the design plan for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Japan was exposed on the 28th. The Holy Fire is estimated to be a spherical type, and its basic core concept is "sunlight." On the other hand, it will be applied to the new helium produced in the processing plant in Nagaemachi, Fukushima Prefecture, in the disaster area of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Make it a representative of the "Revitalization of the Olympics." The use of new power and energy as a holy fire has been the first time in the history of the Olympic Games.

The opening and closing ceremonial film director elite team composed by the Japanese madman Nomura Nomura, the filmmaker of the anime film "Lost in Tokyo" and other people, participated in the design of the flame station.

At this stage, the orientation is that the design of the metal piece of the ball is movable. After the fire, the ball opens and the flame goes out from inside. Preservatives were applied to the suffocating gas of the Holy Fire. It was said that it could cause various flames such as red, purple and green.

The organizers are looking forward to promoting the high-end technicality of Japan, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, to the global market based on the sacred sacred fire. The flame will be collected for ancient Greece on March 13, 2019, and then airborne to Japan. On March 27th, the holy fire will travel from Fukuoka Prefecture, relayed throughout Japan, and ignited the Holy Fire on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held on July 28th for the New National Arena.


外国のメディアによると、1992年のバルセロナオリンピックの開会式のように、「1本の矢が火に当たった」、2009年の北京オリンピックの選手たちは神聖な火を放棄した。気分です。 2019年に開幕する日本オリンピックについても同じことが言えます。主催者の計画では、車を使って世界中を飛び回り、将来の夏季オリンピックのブランドイメージが現代に満ちたものになることを楽しみにしています。






日本の狂人野村、アニメ映画 "Lost in Tokyo"などの映画作家によって結成された開閉式の映画監督のエリートチームは、炎の駅のデザインに参加しました。


主催者は、水素燃料電池自動車などの日本のハイエンドな技術力を、神聖な聖火に基づいて世界市場に広めることを楽しみにしています。炎は2019年3月13日に古代ギリシャのために集められて、次に日本に空輸されます。 3月27日、聖火は福岡県から全国に渡り、7月28日に開催された新国立競技場の開会式で聖火に火をつけました。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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