
2019-08-22 19:52

现阶段,全世界从业飞行汽车产品研发的企业远高于几十家,除开数次出現在广角镜头前的 Kitty Hawk,Lilium,Aeromobil,PAL-V,Uber,空客,亿航,企业创办人常常来我国 " 浏览 " 的Terrafugia,也有 Zee.Aero,Moller International,Volocopter 这些企业,正因如此,飞行汽车变成平时代步工具飞进千家万户家,也并不是执爱成灰的事儿。


整体而言,全世界飞行汽车产品研发的中坚力量依然是每家公司、企业,可是在飞行汽车落地式和普及化中,政府部门刚开始饰演更为关键的人物角色。据英国报导,依照政府部门的技术路线图,用四轴飞行器配送在 2023 年上下就可以去日本变为实际,2030 时代大家在日本城市里就能够乘座航空汽车旅行。错过电瓶车和叫车服务等技术进步后,日本的政府期待变成飞行汽车行业的管理者,而除开日本国,阿联酋、英国和马来西亚等國家曾表述过相近的详案。

飞行汽车产品研发和落地式都会日夜兼程 " 开展中 ",可是,還是存有某些难题,或将变成飞行汽车普及化的绊脚石。


English version

At this stage, the number of companies engaged in the development of flying automotive products in the world is much higher than dozens of companies, except for Kitty Hawk, Lilium, Aeromobil, PAL-V, Uber, Airbus, Air China, and many founders who often appear in front of wide-angle lenses. Terrafugia, who came to China to "browse", also has Zee.Aero, Moller International, Volocopter, and so on. Because of this, flying cars have become a time-stepping tool and flew into thousands of families, and they are not obsessed with greed.

On the whole, the backbone of the development of flying car products in the world is still every company and enterprise. However, in the landing and popularization of flying cars, the government departments have just begun to play more key figures. According to the British report, according to the technical roadmap of the government department, the distribution of the four-axle aircraft can be changed to Japan in 2023. In the 2030 era, everyone in the Japanese city can travel by air. After missing technological advances such as battery cars and car service, the Japanese government is looking forward to becoming a manager of the flying car industry, and apart from Japan, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and Malaysia have reported similar details.

The development and landing of flying car products will be carried out day and night "under development", but there are still some problems, or will become a stumbling block to the popularization of flying cars.

According to the four-axis aircraft or commodity scheme designed and designed by each enterprise at this stage, the key to flying vehicles is to deal with short-distance traffic problems. In other words, the key is to present service items for short-distance transportation in large cities. From this point of view, the flying car must fly to the street. In addition to the breakthrough in price, current policy and safety factor, it must also properly handle vertical take-off and landing, electricization and noise reduction. Bottleneck problem.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/

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