
2019-08-23 22:29

电动式上空飞车的出行,离人们并不是漫长。距今1884年,荷兰科学家Arthur Constantin Krebs几人曾安全驾驶电动式飞艇 La France取得成功起飞。在将来的大城市中,电动式上空的士在天上中穿行,没有人运输机井然有序的将一个一个包囊和外卖送餐交给大家的手上。并且,无人机技术运用的科学研究已经热火朝天的开展中,2013年美国亚马逊发布首台货运无人机Prime Air,可以将重约2.5KG的包囊运输到16公里以外的地方。

现阶段,运用无人飞机运送包囊的检测已去日本,阿联酋,马来西亚,法国等多个国家进行。往后面,电动式多旋翼机不但能够 运送货品,还能运输旅客。将来上空的士也将配置无人机技术。Uber,CityAirbus 等各大企业针对上空的士的产品研发和布署也正井然有序的开展,预估最开始2025年就能与群众碰面。


English version

The maintenance of electric flying above is not long. In 1884, Dutch scientist Arthur Constantin Krebs had safely driven the electric airship La France to take off. In the big cities of the future, electric taxis are passing through the sky, and no one transports the ones in a well-ordered and take-away meal to everyone. Moreover, the scientific research on the use of drone technology has been in full swing. In 2013, Amazon released the first cargo drone, Prime Air, which can transport bags weighing about 2.5KG to places 16 kilometers away.

At this stage, the use of unmanned aircraft to transport the capsule has been tested in Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, France and other countries. Behind, the electric multi-rotor can not only transport goods, but also transport passengers. In the future, taxis will also be equipped with drone technology. Uber, CityAirbus and other major companies are also developing in an orderly manner for the development and deployment of taxis in the sky. It is estimated that they will meet with the masses in the first 2025.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/

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