
2019-09-05 16:55

虽然堵的是车,但心情也是堵得慌,万一有急事,可如何是好。公司的实习生中秋假期因为堵车,直接错过了回家的高铁,明明已经提前了2个小时左右出门,结果还是错过了,正值高峰期 ,高铁也是一票难求,好不容易才排到站票回家。可见这城市堵车多耽误事。



English version

Although the traffic jam is traffic jam, but the mood is also jammed panic, in case of emergency, how to do. Because of the traffic jam, the company's interns directly missed the high-speed railway home during the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays. Mingming had gone out about two hours earlier, but still missed it. At the peak time, the high-speed railway is also difficult to get tickets, so it was not easy to arrange tickets to go home. It can be seen that there are many delays in traffic jams in this city.

Whenever there is a traffic jam, the vast sky outside the window is in sharp contrast to the traffic jam convoy that seems to have no end. Do you particularly want your car to grow a pair of wings and take off from the traffic flow, flying over the traffic jam convoy at low altitude and reaching its destination? Or take out your cell phone and call a self-driving "flying" car. As long as you write down your destination, it will be able to go there by itself. Just think about it, it feels very refreshing.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/


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