
2019-09-28 21:51







最新动态是一篇来源于自有品牌的项目投资,向来在"买家届"走在国产品牌前端开发的吉利控股,在9月月初吉利控股与戴姆勒联合一块儿,彼此相互注资5000万欧,领投德国城市上空交通出行企业Volocopter C轮股权融资,融资后双方各持10%股份,这是吉利在飞行汽车领域的第二次"下注"。





做为奢华势力BBA中的一名,奥迪车也掺了高跟。去年底的阿姆斯特丹四轴飞行器展销会上,奥迪车就展现了与空客和西班牙工程设计公司ltaldesign,相互协作产品研发的具备航空作用的无人驾驶汽车Pop UP。这款车由三个模块组成,分别是飞行模块、地面行驶模块以及乘客舱,把这句话翻译过来就是带飞行器的汽车。

这辆车上空航空最大车速120公里千米/钟头,不负荷的状况下能够行车50公里千米,路面行车最大车速100公里千米/钟头,续航力为130公里千米, 商品预估在2024年-2027年保持,跟上两家近在咫尺的产品落地和量产交付比起来,奥迪这一杆子打的可有点太远了。

或许活力充沛的汽车企业可不仅这三家,包含玛莎拉蒂、阿斯顿·乔治和劳斯来斯都陆续表露了自身的航空希望,除开传统式汽车企业,对这方面新鲜猪肉更很感兴趣的无非科技有限公司了,例如中国的亿航智能化、酷高科技,国际性的Google、Uber、硅谷新成立公司Opener,及其获腾迅项目投资的法国初创公司Lilium Aviation等,也都会进行飞行汽车的有关产品研发。




English version

The development of high-tech technology has always been closely linked with people's brains. The increasingly congested road traffic can hardly stop everyone's embarrassment in the sky, so the flying cars that symbolize the future world are always active with different real identity. In the screen, it also lives in the food, clothing and housing.

In the 1980 sci-fi film "Back to the Future", Hérigan Zemigis once sketched such a future scene: sit on Dr. Brown's traversing reborn armored combat vehicle application car APP Keep track of the car information, press and hold the start button, and the two large jets at the end of the car will start the journey of the future with the roar of the flame.

In the Dutch science fiction film "The Fifth Element", the flying car kept the urban public transportation dream very early. The rental driver Bruce Wesley drove the flying car through the middle of the skyscraper and staged a scene in the three-dimensional space. Chasing a big drama.

In the "King of the Killer", the "Golden Wings Killer", the car with the most passion and the widest number of wide-angle shots is an air patrol car called "Spinner", which does not require sports fields, vertical take-off and landing, and occupies indoor space. It only covers the car body. It is not so much a flying car. It is said that it is a four-axis aircraft. I heard that the ducted aircraft used in the flying car has been in development for more than 10 years.

These embarrassing future urban life built in the film seems to be only a whimsical idea, but the promotion of the R&D design of the new project of the flying car makes this imagination more and more interesting.

The latest development is a project investment from its own brand. It has always been in the "buyer's session" to develop Geely Holdings, which is developed at the front end of domestic brands. At the beginning of September, Geely Holding and Daimler jointly joined each other to inject 50 million each other. Europe, led the Volocopter C round equity financing of the transport city in Germany, after the financing, each side holds 10% of the shares, this is Geely's second "bet" in the field of flying cars.

Last time, it was still two years ago. Unlike Volocopter, which is dedicated to building a big city air traffic and a three-dimensional intelligent transportation ecosystem, Kaichen’s state-owned Treracopta in 2017 is the first in the world. The operating and easy-to-use British flying car company, named "Tai Li Flying Car", is also the first opportunity for Geely to enter the field of flying cars.

Taili's first flight "Transition" chose a hybrid mode of fuel and electricity. The air speed will exceed 600 kilometers and the speed of the air will be 160 kilometers per hour. It will be ordered in the middle and late October, and the plan is Delivery at the end of the year. The bureau Kaichen of the multi-level transportation service project has been laid out, and then it is curious to know who will pay for the research and development results.

Toyota, which is called "Otaku", is not easy to miss the "storm" of high-tech and small cars. In May of last year, the Toyota Motor project invested 42.5 million yen, which is applicable to the new Cartivator flight vehicle project of Science and Technology Co., Ltd., but the relative scientific research of Toyota Motor in the flight vehicle level is more conceptualized, at least from the perspective of products. Is such that.

According to statistics, Toyota's first manual service-operated test flight vehicle uses a lithium battery driver. The overall target of road and air speed is 100 km/h, the overall target of the road endurance is 50 km/h, and the flight altitude is 10 m high. The car is also expected to ignite the flame in the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, but as far as the current data is concerned, the mission of this car will be ignited.

As one of the luxury forces BBA, the Audi also has a high heel. At the end of the Amsterdam four-axle aircraft trade show at the end of last year, the Audi car showed the Pop UP, an aeronautical driverless car developed by Airbus and the Spanish engineering company ltaldesign. The car consists of three modules, the flight module, the ground travel module and the passenger compartment. This sentence is translated into a car with an aircraft.

The maximum speed of the air over the vehicle is 120 km/h, and it can drive 50 km/km without load. The maximum speed of the road is 100 km/h, and the endurance is 130 km. The estimated product is 2024. In -2027, it is a bit too far to play with the two products that are close to the ground and mass production delivery.

Perhaps the energetic auto companies can not only reveal these three, including Maserati, Aston George and Rolls-Royce, but they are more interested in fresh pork in this area than traditional auto companies. Technology Co., Ltd., such as China's Yihang intelligent, cool high-tech, international Google, Uber, Silicon Valley's new company Opener, and its French startup Lilium Aviation, which is invested in the Tengxun project, will also fly cars. Related product development.

After reading this, most of the cheerful parties have long had a lot of ideas about the future life of flying cars, and even tempted. However, let’s look at it calmly. It’s hard to say that the finished products and technical aspects of flying cars that are prosperous high-tech are not sound. The formulation of relevant policies on airspace discipline, safe driving thresholds and safety hazards is enough headache. What kind of products can we really buy and use?

Therefore, how long does it take for a flying car to fly into reality? At this stage, it is still hopeless.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/

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