奥迪空客飞行出租车Pop.Up Next试飞

2019-10-19 22:30

在法国阿姆斯特丹举办的无人飞机( Drone Week)展览会上,奥迪车和空客集团公司及西班牙小车造型设计媒体 Italdesign,展现了第三方合作开发的飞行出租车原型车Pop.Up Next。


Pop.Up Next飞行汽车

Pop.Up Next的测试原型车比例是1:4,在未来正式量产之后,能担负一般载客任务,用户可以使用这种飞行出租车穿梭在几个大城市之间,能升空飞行,也能在地面奔驰,一车搞定。



可是很遗憾的是,奥迪车在文中发表文章之时发布声明称,已全方位中止了Pop.Up Next上空的士的全部工作中,再次思考与空中客车创建的协作关联,并表达已经为其大城市空中交通方案制订1个新方位,但都还没就将来的商品作出决策。奥迪车觉得,不用旅客车辆置换的上空的士要保持大批量生产必须花很长期。


English version

At the Drone Week exhibition in Amsterdam, France, Audi and Airbus Group and the Spanish car design media Italdesign showcased the third-party co-developed flight taxi prototype Pop.Up Next.

This flying taxi concept sports car includes each unmanned battery car and a four-axle aircraft with one passenger. In the whole process of air testing, the mobile phone flight mode can be used to accurately transport the passenger cockpit to the inspection site. Then, the car will be paved and turned into an unmanned battery car, driving out of the test field in an automatic driving manner.

Pop.Up Next's test prototype ratio is 1:4. After the formal mass production in the future, it can take on the general passenger mission. Users can use this flight taxi to shuttle between several big cities and fly off. Can also run on the ground, a car to get.

Audi is also working with the local government in Ingolstadt, where the headquarters is located, to support the local flight mobile taxi program, which will also initially test the feasibility of flight taxi operations, which is part of the European Smart City Community Partnership Program.

A year ago, German Chancellor Merkel signed a letter of intent with Audi and Airbus, not only for the flight taxis that the two sides cooperated to conduct aerial tests in Ingostadt, but also that Airbus Group plans to be in 2024. During the Paris Olympics, visitors to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport entered the city of Paris to reduce the traffic pressure from the airport to the city of Paris. It takes about one hour from the airport to the city to take the subway.

Unfortunately, the Audi released a statement in the article, saying that it has completely stopped all the work of the taxis over Pop.Up Next, rethinking the collaboration with Airbus and expressing it. The Metropolitan Air Traffic Plan has developed a new orientation, but no decision has yet been made on future commodities. The Audi car feels that it is necessary to spend a long time to maintain mass production of taxis that do not require passenger vehicles to be replaced.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/

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