
2020-02-20 18:33




English version

The first science fiction to go into detail is a flying car. Xiao Bian still remembers clearly that when reading kindergarten science fiction books in kindergarten, sometimes you can see the conceptual model of this kind of car. This type of car seems to be based on all normal small cars, and then add aviation equipment to the car. Different aeronautical equipment has different characteristics, some can only take off and land like gliders, and some can take off and land in place like helicopters. The latter is considered to be in the future in reality Because there are always more and more cars in the metropolis, this always leads to more and more serious congestion problems.
If such a car appears, then it will be able to take off and land in place when it encounters congestion, and the car will suddenly become a quadcopter, solving the congestion. So have these cars remained today? A car that has taken off and landed like a glider has already existed, but it cannot take off and land in place like a helicopter. Not long ago, international public opinion said that a new type of flying car had been developed by Technology Co., Ltd., and at this stage, designated experiments have been carried out in Malaysia. If the flying car is mass-produced based on experimental launches, then people's transportation travel estimates will enter a new round of reform.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/)

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