
2020-03-02 22:16

法国交通部长安德烈亚斯·舍伊尔(AndreasScheuer)在公布了英戈尔施塔特实验以后愿意说:“航空的的士已不是一个企业愿景,他们能够 带人们进到一个新的操控性层面。”


那时候,纯电动车定义被叙述为一种“将来能够 永久性更改人们城市发展的企业愿景”。
梅赛德斯奔驰-新款奔驰早已项目投资了一家法国货物运输无人机公司,而丰田公司则确认,该企业将有着一台“L波段本人移动终端”,为2020年日本奥运会充分准备。它是当代的全规格飞行汽车。这个小车大佬在CES上展现了这个飞行汽车,该小车计划与UberElevate协作,以出示客户本人物流运输。该小车能够 垂直起降,车速达320千米。汽车表达,其产品成本较低,这将提升其做为飞行出租车的主要用途。

English version

Audi and Airbus partner Airbus announced that they have signed an agreement of intent with the German city of Ingolstadt, and have just begun to test the prototypes of taxis in Bavaria and its surrounding cities.
In a statement released last night, Audi said that this test will help develop and design a method of transport that can get rid of the crowded roads in big cities.
French Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer was willing to say after the announcement of the Ingolstadt experiment: "Aviation taxis are no longer a corporate vision, they can take people to a new operation Sexual aspect. "
Even at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show, Audi announced that it has jointly developed flying cars with Spanish engineering and airbus companies.
At the French Auto Show, Audi showed off its pop. The next definition, which incorporates a driverless car, will be connected to passenger drones to get rid of congestion.
At that time, the definition of pure electric vehicles was described as "a business vision that can permanently change people's urban development in the future."
The vertical take-off and landing vehicle (VTOL) has been created into an on-demand intelligent robotic taxi. When it finally enters the sales market, it will have considerable market competition.
Mercedes-Benz-The new Mercedes-Benz has already invested in a French cargo transport drone company, and Toyota has confirmed that the company will have an "L-band mobile terminal" for the 2020 Japan Olympic Games.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/)

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