
2020-03-02 22:27

事实上也有很多十几年前就早已刚开始出現的想象,他们当中一些早已出現了,一些迄今并未出現,下边我们一起来了解一下。第一种脑洞是会飞的汽车,这一设计方案早就在2010年以前海外就早已有设计师公布了概念图,但从现阶段的状况看来仍没有真实实际意义的商品出現。对于这个商品,许多盆友会表达疑惑,如今人们的航运业早已十分比较发达,大家乘座飞机航班基本上能够 在最短期内内去到全世界的一切一个许多人烟的地区,为何也要多此一举构想一种具备航空作用的小车呢?


要了解,当时明确提出这个设计方案的目地并不是多此一举,只是处理大都市日渐拥堵的交通问题。有关具有航空作用的小车,存有很多好点子,比如他们可以像直升飞机那般无需助跑就原地不动起降,进而从拥挤的交通出行中脱身而出。前不久海外信息称美国一架科技有限公司早已产品研发出了中小型个人四轴飞行器,而且在马来西亚开展实验。假如不在意得话,還是能够 将这类中小型个人四轴飞行器作为是具备航空作用的小车,由于它也是车轮子。
假如说会飞的汽车是更接近实际的设想得话,那麼瞬间移动技术性则看起来更为科幻片。不容置疑,日常生活中并沒有出現这类技术性,反而是影视剧、游戏动漫中经常出现。以中国一款长盛不衰的对战手游游戏为例,许多游戏玩家当政英雄人物选专业技能的情况下就能够 挑选瞬间移动这一专业技能,能够 在危机时刻逃出对手的擒杀。影视剧中的瞬间移动实际上都是如出一辙,以英国漫威系列电影为例,瞬间移动变成了多名角色的必需专业技能。

English version

In fact, there are many imaginations that have just begun to appear more than ten years ago. Some of them have already appeared, and some have not yet appeared. Let us take a look below. The first type of brain hole is a flying car. This design proposal has already been published by interior designers overseas before 2010. However, from the current situation, there are still no real and practical products. Many friends will express doubts about this product. Nowadays, people's shipping industry is already very developed. Everyone can basically go to all the crowded areas in the world in the shortest time by plane. Why should we do it too? Conceive a car with the role of aviation?
It must be understood that the purpose of expressing this design plan at that time was not redundant, it was just to deal with the increasingly congested traffic problems in metropolises. There are a lot of good ideas about the cars that have the role of aviation. For example, they can take off and land in place without a run-up like a helicopter, and then get out of congested traffic. Not long ago, overseas information said that a technology company in the United States had already developed a small and medium personal quadcopter for products and carried out experiments in Malaysia. If you don't care, you can still use this type of small and medium personal quadcopter as an aerospace vehicle, because it is also a wheel.
If the flying car is closer to the actual idea, then the technology of teleportation looks more sci-fi. Undoubtedly, this kind of technicality does not appear in daily life, but it often appears in film and television dramas, games and animations. Taking a long-running battle mobile game in China as an example, many game players can choose the professional skill of instantaneous movement when they choose professional skills, and they can escape the opponent's sack in a crisis time. Teleportation in film and television dramas is actually exactly the same. Take the British Marvel series of movies as an example, teleportation has become the necessary professional skills for multiple characters.

 (图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/)

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