
2020-03-06 20:01

英国:Cora于英国打开使用,Uber创建多边合作战略伙伴关系在国外市场,最受关心的上空的士自主创新则来源于于空客和谷歌公司CEO协同注资的自主创新公司Wisk,及其共享资源交通出行的巨头Uber。由美国波音公司和Google的CEO拉里佩奇项目投资的中外合资企业Wisk于20年2月公布,已与新西兰政府签定了合作备忘录,将应用其全电动式的全自动四轴飞行器Cora开展飞行出租车使用。此外,Uber已经在2019年的7月在纽约市启用了直升飞机服务项目,致力于出示大城市的主杆飞机场物流运输,所有人单趟大概必须200到225美金。根据启用上空业务流程,Uber能够 提早对其飞行汽车的运营模式开展探寻。


东南亚地区:Grab与Volocopter协作,合理布局东南亚地区销售市场在东南亚地区销售市场,最引人注意的上空的士自主创新来源于于法国航空公司新成立公司Volocopter与东南亚地区东南亚地区较大 的交通出行服务提供商Grab的项目合作。Volocopter于19年9月得到了中国吉利汽车5000万欧的项目投资,将于20年2月刚开始,与Grab一起进行上空的士试验。方案在2022年刚开始产品化落地式,而且到2035年在马来西亚合理布局数十个VoloPort,每日可配用约10000名旅客。
我国:亿航完成数次首飞,好意头以分多笔项目投资合理布局在我国的机动车辆的保有量快速提升,交通出行供求矛盾日趋严重,加重了市政道路的拥挤水平。因而,上空交通出行在我国销售市场拥有 极大的发展潜力。以好意头和亿航为意味着的企业早就在两年前就刚开始了合理布局。除开项目投资Volocopter以外,好意头2017年就项目投资了公司总部英国麻省的Terrafugia。根据对Volocopter与Terrafugia的项目投资,好意头期望将全世界领跑的上空交通出行解决方法导入我国,另外承担这种企业的商品在我国的制造和品牌推广。做为示范点方案的一部分,亿航已经与广州政府协作创建空中交通管制管理中心。除此之外,还方案运输低净重的医用品,包含用以紧急状况的血夜和诊疗人体器官这些。

English version

Air Cars has always been a long-awaited vision of the future. As early as the 1940s of the 20th century, the founder of Ford Motor Co., Ford Motor Co., boldly spread the scientific research prediction that "flying cars will eventually appear." So, at the beginning of the new decade, how far are people from the ideal of flying? Manhattan Insights shared the independent innovation and progress of flying taxis in the four sales markets of the United Kingdom, Southeast Asia, China and Europe.
United Kingdom: Cora opens in the United Kingdom, Uber creates multilateral cooperative strategic partnerships in foreign markets, and the most concerned taxi independent innovation comes from Wisk, an independent innovation company co-funded by Airbus and Google CEO, and its shared resources Uber, the transportation giant. Wisk, a Chinese-foreign joint venture invested by the Boeing and Google CEO Larry Page project, announced in February 20 that it has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the New Zealand government and will use its all-electric fully automatic four-axis aircraft Cora Flying taxi used. In addition, Uber has launched a helicopter service project in New York City in July 2019. It is committed to presenting the main airport airport logistics transportation in big cities. Everyone must have about 200 to 225 US dollars per trip. Uber was able to explore the business model of its flying cars early by enabling the business process over the sky.
Southeast Asia: Grab cooperates with Volocopter to rationally arrange the sales market in Southeast Asia. The most noticeable independent innovation of taxis in the sky comes from the new airline Volocopter established by Air France and larger transportation in Southeast Asia. Project cooperation with service provider Grab. Volocopter received a project investment of 50 million Euros from China's Geely in September 19th, and will start a taxi test with Grab in February 20th. The plan has just begun to become a product in 2022, and by 2035, dozens of VoloPorts will be rationally deployed in Malaysia, with about 10,000 passengers per day.
China: EHang completed several first flights. With good intentions, the number of motor vehicles in China has been rapidly increased due to the rational allocation of multiple project investments. The contradiction between supply and demand for transportation has become increasingly serious, which has increased the level of congestion on municipal roads. Therefore, aerial transportation has great potential for development in China's sales market. Companies with good intentions and eHang means that they have just started a reasonable layout two years ago. In addition to investing in Volocopter, Goodwill invested in the company's headquarters in Terrafugia, Mass., UK in 2017. According to the investment in Volocopter and Terrafugia's projects, we are looking forward to introducing the world's leading air transportation solutions to our country, and in addition to undertake the manufacturing and brand promotion of the products of such enterprises in our country. As part of the demonstration site plan, EHang has established an air traffic control management center in cooperation with the Guangzhou government. In addition, it also plans to transport low net weight medical supplies, including bloody nights for emergency situations and diagnosis and treatment of human organs.
Europe: Scientific research organizations collaborated with automotive companies, Airbus made several first flights to Europe. The key players in Europe are in international airlines and car manufacturers in the United States and France. In addition to Daimler's cooperation project with good intentions to invest in Volocopter, Airbus Airbus has also created its own eVTOL airport, Wahana. In addition, Cranfield College in the United States has collaborated with high-end car company Aston George and aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce to develop a luxury fully automatic hybrid eVTOL concept sports car with a star design. The sense of war.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/)

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