
2020-03-06 20:03


Joby Aviation旋翼机

美国皇家空军仍未对该招标会明确提出大量规定,参加新项目的“飞行汽车”能够 选用电动式或油电混合推动,能够 为许多人操纵、遥控器或没有人独立安全驾驶。参加竞投的型号理应可以在一小时内将三到八名兵士运输到160公里外。除此之外,2020年以前竞投方理应出示具有作用的原型机开展进一步检测。
美国皇家空军表达,这一型号能够 在多种多样状况下运输军队和武器装备,比如救援和后勤管理运送每日任务。除此之外,美国皇家空军的有关工作人员还宣称,该新项目可以搭建有关的全产业链,防止出现和无人飞机一样“被我国操纵”的局势。

English version

Not long ago, the United States Royal Air Force announced a tender to purchase a "flying car" to quickly transport staff and weapons to combat areas.
Relevant personnel expressed that the plan would turn the "flying car" in the "Jasons" (American classic comedy cartoon) into reality. However, what the RAF wants is not actually a "flying car" in the traditional definition, it is just a four-axis aircraft with vertical take-off and landing technology using contemporary electronics.
The U.S. Royal Air Force has not yet clearly provided a large number of regulations for the tender. The "flying cars" participating in the new project can be driven by electric or hybrid electric vehicles, and can be operated by many people, remotely or independently. Participating models should be able to transport three to eight soldiers up to 160 kilometers away in one hour. In addition, bidders should present a functional prototype for further testing before 2020.
The Royal Air Force has stated that this model is capable of transporting troops and armaments in a variety of situations, such as daily missions for rescue and logistics management. In addition, the staff of the United States Royal Air Force also claimed that the new project can build the relevant industrial chain and prevent the situation that is "controlled by our country" like unmanned aircraft.
However, although the U.S. Royal Air Force expects to begin mass production and purchase of such "flying cars" in 2023, it has not yet applied for all assets for this project in the financial year 2021, and has only used previous relevant assets for product development and purchase .
Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) technology is known as the future of "flying cars". This new type of mobile vehicle can perform a variety of daily tasks with higher efficiency, such as large city cargo transportation, freight Logistics, emergency diagnosis and treatment, and personal aircraft. At this stage, companies including Airbus, Airbus, Cubs, Aeromexico, Uber, Tencent and others have just started relevant scientific research on eVTOL technology.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/)

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