
2019-04-07 22:34




English version

With the development of science and technology, people's living standards have improved, more and more people buy cars, and road traffic jams are common problems. There are always so many car owners who fantasize about this. If one day, cars can travel in the sky. It is. The flying car that Geely is inventing is developed by another company under his own. If you know a lot about physics, you should know that if an object wants to fly in the sky, then he must have one. The pressure is applied to the wings, so the car has a foldable wing.

The first flying car product that Geely will release in 2019 is a hybrid flying car with a ground taxiing takeoff. The car weighs about 300 kilograms and can carry 4 adults. The maximum speed of the car is 120 km/h, and the maximum speed of air flight is 200 km/h. Accepted in October 2018, it will be delivered in 2019, and the price is: 280,000 US dollars (about 1.9 million yuan). According to the latest news, the company's first flying car transition has officially started mass production, and the first batch The order has also been snapped up.

(文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)



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