
2019-04-15 00:24



English version

Air traffic rules are called flight rules and are based on experience with ground traffic rules. Its core purpose is to ensure the personal and property safety of the people on board and the ground people in the flight area. The flight rules are divided into three parts: general flight rules, visual flight rules and instrument flight rules. The general flight rules are the basic rules for all types of aircraft to comply with. The main requirement is that the aircraft cannot be in densely populated areas without special permission. Flying above, you can't throw anything down from the plane. In order to prevent collisions, it is stipulated that when the aircraft meets in relative flight, they turn to the right to avoid each other; in the same direction, if they want to overtake the aircraft in front, the latter aircraft must change altitude or pass from the right side.
When the different planes meet in the air, the left plane will make way for the right plane. Air Traffic Police - Air traffic controllers are not like police officers on land who can command car drivers across the road at intersections, and they command aircraft by the location of the aircraft report and the time interval between flight control. Therefore, in the general flight rules, the aircraft required to fly on the route is required to provide a flight plan in advance, and the aircraft can be released after being approved. It is necessary to obtain the permission of the controller during flight, and report the time of flight, flight altitude, etc. to the controller at the specified reporting point. Since the control of time is the basis of air traffic control, the air traffic system, including aircraft and control towers, uses the Coordinated Universal Time to ensure the accuracy of air traffic management.

(文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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