
2019-04-20 09:40



English version

The vertical takeoff in terms of volume is not as good as the folding wing. Vertical take-off is not a good method. Even now, the vertical take-off in the city is very dangerous. The influence of the ground objects on the airflow is very great. Secondly, the landing space, our landing requirements for helicopters is 1000 feet, no less than 500 feet away, and so many places in the city. Then there are how many places are open routes up to now? In the past ten years or so, almost every year, I said who and who invented the car that can fly. Every time I said that there is no traffic jam, I am about to open it. You don’t want to think about it. Once it is popular, the driver’s license should be re-enacted, and the difficulty is more difficult. The flight license is not much simple, and the overall traffic rules are all re-made, but Xiao Bian believes that the future car will definitely be heaven.
Geely Terrafugia, product schedule: accepted in October 2018, delivered in 2019, selling price: 280,000 US dollars (about 1.9 million yuan). Fortunately, Transition meets the relevant standards of the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It can also be seen from this that we can also say that our Geely brand can also produce flying cars. The most exciting is that according to the news, direct vertical takeoff and landing flying cars will also be put into the market in 2023.

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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