
2019-04-29 23:39






English version

"You have the ability to fly over!" When the road was rushed by the back of the car, we couldn't help but swear. In fact, when I was in a hurry, I also hoped that my car would fly. Now, this hope has to be realized, because the flying car has been built and has already started to sell, it depends on which day it can "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

The flying car has appeared at the auto show last year.
At a car show in Europe last March, there was already a flying car show, and accepted the reservation. It comes in two versions and sells for less than RMB 4 million. Obviously it is currently a high-end item for the rich. I can only be temporarily curious and envious of ordinary people. In addition, it needs to fly nearly 170 meters long, which is not a condition that can be found in urban or residential areas. In the case of filling up with gasoline, it can fly more than 300 kilometers or travel more than 1,000 kilometers.
If you think that this flying car is too expensive, Geely's flying car will be much cheaper, only need more than 1 million yuan, which is equivalent to the cost of a luxury car. This is a company developed by the company. The two wings of the aircraft can be folded up, the model is not big, and the garage can be parked. You can take two people of 200 kilograms in the car, the speed can reach more than 100 kilometers while driving, and the speed of flying can accept 200 kilometers. The required boost runway is 300 meters, which is much shorter than previously mentioned. ,

Geely's flying car has entered the commercial stage
At the beginning of April this year, the "Air Car" jointly developed by China and Austria was also successfully tested in the capital of Austria. It can carry two people. The target is commercial use. It mainly provides transportation services with a short distance. It has been said that it has obtained thousands of orders.
In addition to Geely, Red Flag is also stepping up research and development on flying vehicles, and plans to test it in 2020.
I feel very happy to see that China has achieved good results in many automotive fields. In fact, in this field, Europe, the United States, Japan and other companies are not idle. Japan is working with the United States and is preparing to conduct trials, with plans to launch commercially viable products in five or six years. European car and flight companies have already cooperated and plan to enter the market within 10 years. Aircraft manufacturing companies in the United States are also working on the development of this project.

China, Japan and the Americas are all on the flight car project
I feel that the boundaries of many traditional fields are now increasingly broken, integrated and grafted, developing new products, and creating subversive shocks and reforms in the traditional field. Although flying cars will bring a series of legal issues, such as space traffic management, noise prevention and privacy protection, but with the advancement and improvement of technology, it will bring a richer experience and greater life to our lives. Convenience. Although some people are dying of this new technology, I am more willing to look forward to optimism. Let us wait and see.



昨年3月にヨーロッパで開催された自動車ショーでは、すでに飛行中の自動車ショーがあり、予約を受け付けていました。 2つのバージョンがあり、400万元未満で売られていますが、現在は金持ちの高級品であることは明らかです。さらに、長さ170メートル近く飛行する必要がありますが、これは都市部や住宅地では見られない状況です。ガソリンでいっぱいになる場合、それは300キロメートル以上飛ぶか、または1,000キロメートル以上を旅行することができます。
あなたがこのフライングカーが高すぎると思うならば、吉利のフライングカーははるかに安くなるでしょう、たった100万元以上を必要とする、そしてそれは高級車のコストと同等です。これは同社が開発した会社で、航空機の両翼を折りたたむことができ、モデルは大きくなく、ガレージを駐車することができます。あなたは車の中で200キログラムの2人を連れて行くことができます、運転している間速度は100キロメートル以上に達することができます、そして飛ぶ速度は200キロメートルを受け入れることができます。必要なブースト滑走路は300メートルで、これは前述のものよりはるかに短いです。 、

Geelyに加えて、Red Flagは飛行中の車両の研究開発も強化しており、2020年にテストする予定です。


(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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