
2019-05-06 22:31


飞行汽车行业市场份额越来越大,表现强劲。普华永道在 (2016) 市场研究中表明商用飞行汽车的市场价值在全球范围内超过1270亿美元!






“飞行汽车将道路从地面拓展到低空,成为陆空一体的立体化交通,将颠覆传统交通出行和运输方式。它将有效解决交通拥堵问题,对社会、经济、安全和环境等方面产生重大影响。” 清华大学通用航空技术研究中心主任张扬军认可飞行汽车商用化的未来。






English version

Reality No matter how to optimize the traffic situation, the use of two-dimensional ground always has limits, so it has to promote more effective travel modes. Therefore, the use of up and down three-dimensional space has become a development trend, but as a public transportation aircraft and subway, it only provides basic travel convenience, and there is a serious lack of privacy and high-end.

The flying auto industry has a growing market share and strong performance. PricewaterhouseCoopers (2016) market research shows that the market value of commercial flying vehicles exceeds $127 billion worldwide!

In China, there are actually a small number of people with economic power to buy flying cars. According to the 2017 Hurun Wealth Report, the number of 6 million asset households in mainland China has reached 3.62 million; the number of “high net worth families” with tens of millions of assets has reached 1.47 million; the number of “ultra-high net worth families” with billions of assets has reached 99,000 yuan; the number of "international ultra-high-net-worth families" with 30 million US dollars reached 65,000. And these numbers will continue to grow in 2018.

But the ideal is full, but the reality is always on the face. The potential buyers of these flying cars in the future, although holding a lot of money, but in the daily short-distance travel, most of the luxury and comfort as the first essential. Nowadays, in addition to the novel aura, the simple flying car is difficult to make a breakthrough in the product experience.

Although the flying car is a new mode of travel for the general public, it will be in the stage of rich people's plaything for a long time in the future development. How to create the comfort and product quality of a comparable luxury sedan will be a major challenge for Geely in the future.

With good products and a broad mass base, Geely's flying cars can take the first step in China and even the world.

Fill the legal gap and lead the way out

“Flying vehicles will expand the road from the ground to the low altitude and become a three-dimensional transportation of land and air. It will subvert the traditional transportation and transportation methods. It will effectively solve the traffic congestion problem and have a major impact on social, economic, security and environmental aspects. Zhang Yangjun, director of the General Aviation Technology Research Center of Tsinghua University, recognizes the future of commercialization of flying vehicles.

After the development of flying vehicles breaks through the technical bottleneck and gains the recognition of consumers, how to solve the impact on the whole society has become the key point, and the support of winning national legislation is the most important.

For the time being, China's corresponding laws and regulations for flying cars have not yet been introduced. However, in the United States, for example, the US policy and regulations are now relatively perfect for the regulatory mechanism of flying vehicles, and there are also a series of uniform standards for flying cars. At the same time, in the face of the real factors of high-rise buildings in domestic cities, the government's requirements for the drivers themselves are bound to be much higher than driving traditional cars.

Although the flying car is definitely only a few people's toys in a short time, it is also precaution to actively improve the corresponding mechanism from the source of driving training.

With the development of science and technology, flying vehicles, including aviation development and intelligent transportation automatic systems, will also develop more and more. Lucintel's data as early as 2014 indicates that by 2023, the global aviation market is expected to grow to $352.5 billion. Such a market with unlimited potential is a good opportunity for business investment and engineers.



飛行自動車産業は、市場シェアが拡大しており、高いパフォーマンスを示しています。 PricewaterhouseCoopers(2016)の市場調査によると、商用飛翔体の市場価値は全世界で1,270億ドルを超えています。

中国では、実際には飛んでいる車を買う経済的な力を持った少数の人々がいる。 2017年のHurun Wealth Reportによると、中国本土の600万人の資産世帯の数は362万人に達し、何千万もの資産を持つ「富裕層の家族」の数は147万人に達しました。 99000元、3000万ドルの「国際的な超富裕層家庭」の数は65000に達しました。そして、これらの数は2018年も増え続けるでしょう。





「飛翔体は地上から低地への道を広げ、陸と空の三次元輸送になるでしょう。それは伝統的な輸送と輸送方法を覆すでしょう。それは交通渋滞問題を効果的に解決し、社会、経済、安全保障そして環境面に大きな影響を与えます。清華大学の総合航空技術研究センター長であるZhang Yangjun氏は、飛翔体の商品化の将来を認識しています。




科学技術の発展に伴い、航空開発や高度道路交通自動システムを含む飛翔体もますます発展するでしょう。 Lucintelのデータは2014年という早い時期に、2023年までに世界の航空市場は3,525億ドルに成長すると予測されていることを示しています。無限の可能性を秘めたこのような市場は、事業投資やエンジニアにとって良い機会です。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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