
2019-03-30 23:18




English version

The birds fly freely in the air, and when they don't fly, they wander around the ground with their wings. If the car is also plugged in, can fly and run, isn't it more convenient? This is no longer a fantasy. Recently, there is a car similar to a flying bird. If you want to sail in the air, you can take off your wings and tail in ten minutes.
When you land on the ground and start again, just remove the wings and tail and you can run.
It is convenient to take off the helicopter anytime and anywhere, but it still has many shortcomings. For example, a large propeller is constantly rotating on top of the aircraft. If flying over a forest or pole, the propeller is easily damaged. It also requires landing on a hard and flat surface, otherwise it is prone to accidents.
At the same time, it can only be used for short-distance taxiing, which is not well concealed in the war and vulnerable to enemy attacks.
Thus, a novel flying car emerged that overcomes the shortcomings of the helicopter. Its propeller is relatively small and is housed in a windshield.
It uses a gasoline engine or a gas turbine to drive the propeller, and the air is pressed out under the windshield. The pressure on the upper side is lowered and the car is vacated.
Forward and backward are adjusted by the speed of the two propellers before and after; when advancing, the speed of the front propeller is reduced, the head is tilted forward to obtain the forward thrust; when it is retracted, the action is reversed. As for the turn, use the rudder to control.
Currently, some countries are experimenting with such cars. For example, there is a flying car with a load of 450 kilograms and a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. It can take off and land at ordinary settlements. It can also fly at low altitudes. The outer profile is relatively small. Driving on the road, it can also be used for ambulance, fire fighting and de-worming. Because it can fly and run, it can carry out transportation tasks independently without relying on other means of transportation.

(文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)


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