
2019-08-17 22:35





English version

First of all, once the flying car is mature and put into the market, it will solve the traffic congestion problem in thousands of cities. Road congestion is a traffic problem that every country can encounter. By 2019, the global car ownership is expected to have reached about 1 billion. This is a very large number, and the congestion in developed cities is even more serious. Flying cars can save a lot of space and make efficient use of the air area, so in the future it may be the tool of choice for solving traffic congestion. I don't worry about traffic jams when I go to work, but it takes a while for the flying car to enter the reality. We always believe that flying cars will come to us sooner or later!

Secondly, with the advancement of the times, mankind is entering the Internet of Things era from the Internet. Everything is connected, and cargo transportation is bound to be the craze of the next era. It is China’s original intention to use flying cars to improve transportation efficiency, and it is also the wish of people all over the world. . At present, Geely is also developing a flying car in China. It is said that the red flag seems to be developing a flying car.

But then again, although the benefits of flying cars are many, but after all, they are only successful in the first test. There is still a certain distance from the maturity of the technology. In addition, we can imagine how the air traffic rules should be formulated if the flying cars are put into use. However, Xiao Bian believes that the problems facing the current flying car will be solved one by one with the passage of time and the development of technology! After all, the current traffic congestion problem is really a bit serious. Before the city was congested, now the second and third tier cities are also congested. Do you not want to fly to the sky when traffic jams?

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 http://www.flycar.com.cn/


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