
2019-04-30 23:52






English version

When there is a flying car, it is estimated that it will not be called a car. However, manned short-haul aircraft is still very promising. After all, in the future, human living space will only develop upwards, so air vehicles are an excellent way to solve traffic travel. Flying cars are certainly the future. But looking back at history, what you may not know is that this strange land and air vehicle existed as early as 102 years ago.

It is reported that the current national level has begun to lay out the infrastructure of general aviation and embarked on the development of flying vehicles. Some experts predict that the real popular application of flying cars will probably be 30 years later.

Cars can be arrogant and their market prospects are expected. Zhang Yangjun, director of the General Aviation Technology Research Center of Tsinghua University, believes that flying vehicles will expand the road from the ground to the low-altitude, becoming a three-dimensional traffic of land and air, which will subvert traditional transportation and transportation. It will effectively solve the traffic congestion problem and have a major impact on social, economic, security and environmental aspects. Future flying cars have three basic characteristics: instant vertical take-off and landing, ground-based driving, and intelligent driverless driving.

At present, the field of flying vehicles is attracting a large amount of capital, which is more than 2 billion US dollars, which plays a very important role in promoting the development of flying vehicles. However, Wang Hewu also pointed out that although flying cars provide new ideas for alleviating urban traffic congestion, there are still many ways to go from becoming a reality to commercial operation, and there will be some problems.




車は傲慢になる可能性があり、その市場見通しは予想されています。清華大学総合航空技術研究センター長のZang Yangjun氏は、飛翔体が地上から低地への道を広げ、陸と空の三次元交通になり、伝統的な交通と交通を妨害すると考えています。それは交通渋滞問題を効果的に解決し、社会的、経済的、安全保障的および環境的側面に大きな影響を与えるでしょう。将来のフライングカーには3つの基本的な特徴があります。インスタント垂直離着陸、地上走行、そしてインテリジェントな無人運転です。

現在、飛翔体の分野は、20億米ドルを超える資本を集めており、飛翔体の開発を促進する上で非常に重要な役割を果たしています。しかし、Wang Hewu氏はまた、フライングカーは都市の交通渋滞を緩和するための新しいアイデアを提供していますが、現実のものから商業運転に移行する方法はまだ多くあり、いくつかの問題があると指摘しました。

(图/文编译:飞行汽车 www.flycar.com.cn)

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